Archmodels vol. 172 is a collection of 95 professional, highly detailed 3d buildings for architectural visualizations. With this collection you can easily populate city center with buildings and make a stunning exterior visualization in short time.
You can buy entire collection or separate buildings in Evermotion Shop.
This scene is our cover image for Archmodels vol. 172 and it is inspired by Old City of Lwow (Ukraine). Let's see what's inside!
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The final image after post-production. As you can see, we used a whole row of buildings from AM 172, we added a fountain, some street props (lanterns, benches) and placed 3d people models from AXYZ HD Humans collection. You can
browse 3d people in Evermotion Shop.
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Image seen through camera in 3ds Max viewport.
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And this is a complete scene - as you can see we placed two rows of buildings, just a couple of trees and street umbrellas. On the back you can see a sky plane.
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The sky plane material.
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Camera settings.
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A building - close up. Although it's not very complicated mesh, we ensured that the most interesting details are modeles, not only textured.
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The roof tiles are modeled.
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Decorative window arches are also a separate elements.
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An arch close-up.
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All building materials are placed in one multi-material. This one has five sub-materials - separate for front and back wall, side walls, and roof.
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Front wall material.
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Side wall map.
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Roof tiles material.
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Decorative elements on doors.
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The scene is lit by VraySun and VraySky. VraySun settings on the right.
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The fountain.
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The fountain statue was scuplted. Here you have mesh close-up.
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The fountain sculpt material. It's a mix of two materials, one of them has many dirt and stone maps mixed, to achieve more "organic" look.
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Stone sculpt - base material settings.
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Stone sculpt - mixing bitmaps for coat material.
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Coat material settings.
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VrayDirt settings.
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As we mentioned earlier, we placed some 3d humans in the scene. They are a great resource to make a scene like that more believable.
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Props close-up: lantern and small parterres. They look a bit like trashbins, because there are proxy-meshes on top of them :)
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More 3d people.
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Pavement mesh.
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Pavement material.
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VraySky settings.
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Render settings.
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Raw render.
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