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Download FREE collection of 76 highly detailed lamp models!

Evermotion 2015-03-09 11:32 article  > 10th Anniversary

Archmodels vol. 152 available now in Evermotion Shop.

We are celebrating 10 years of EVERMOTION! We want to THANK YOU, OUR CLIENTS for being with us, for your trust and support for all these years.

On this occasion we have a gift for you – Archmodels vol. 152.

In cooperation with LUG Light Factory we are bringing you Archmodels vol. 152 - 76 highly detailed and fully textured lamp models. You can use them freely in your visualizations (commercially and non-commercially).

You need to be registered user of Evermotion.org. You can register here.

These models are accurate recreations of FLASH DQ lights brand made by LUG Light Factory. Our CG artists spent hundreds of hours creating this collection and assuring that it provides the best possible quality in CG world. We prepared models in the widest range of formats ever.


Archmodels vol. 152 formats: vray max, mental ray max, obj, fbx, c4d, revit.


Possible applications - Lamps modeled in Archmodels vol. 152 collection suit most office spaces – both interiors and exteriors. They were especially designed for:

  • hotel interiors
  • office spaces
  • commercial areas in which luminaires are used to emphasize the unique character of the interior

LUG lights were used already in many real-world spaces:

  • Poland – Curprum Arena
  • Paris, France – Espace Seine
  • Mouscron, Belgium – Mouscron Hospital
  • Poland – European Centre of Music
  • Helsingor, Denmark – Maritime Museum
  • Warsaw, Poland – Second line of Warsaw Metro


We wanted to model lights that are popular and used by architects worldwide, lights well designed, suitable for many types of spaces. We think that LUG products meet all these criteria.



Lamps modeled in Archmodels vol. 152 collection come from LUG FLASH DQ brand. FLASH DQ brand is a fusion of exclusive design and innovative LED technology. FLASH DQ products meet the expectations of even the most demanding Architects or Interior and Lighting Designers who use light to create unique architectural spaces.


You need to be registered user of Evermotion.org. You can register here. Product will be added to your Customer Zone in "Free products" section, below your ordered products list.

LUG is a global brand. LUG solutions illuminate the interiors of buildings in over 50 countries worldwide. LUG already opened showrooms in Warsaw, London, Paris, Dubai, Sao Paulo and Berlin. Based in Poland, LUG Light Factory Ltd. operates within LUG Capital Group Ltd. and benefits from its 25 years of experience in the field of professional lighting technology. LUG offers a wide range of industrial and decorative luminaires which combine exceptional lighting parameters with outstanding design.

Learn more about LUG Light Factory.

Thank you for your support!

EVERMOTION TEAM & LUG Lights company

Go to 10 Years of Evermotion Anniversary Page.

Author: Evermotion Editor: Evermotion
Tags: archmodels 152 lug vol.152
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kileonid 11:38:07  |  17-03-2015
Congratulations EVERMOTION! Thank you for a wonderful collection.
dr_After 11:50:50  |  17-03-2015
Thanks kileonid for your kind words :)
old.vintage 11:57:58  |  17-03-2015
Congratulations....to EVERMOTION! Very much appreciated for this gift....
vodanhcp 14:10:10  |  17-03-2015
Congratulations... to EVERMOTION ! Thank you for a wonderful collection...^^
bluestone 15:49:00  |  17-03-2015
Congrats Evermotion..:!!!!! and really thanks for sharing your work with us .... the best 3d page :)
theant 16:40:17  |  17-03-2015
Congratulations! Thanks for the gift, Ad Maiora!
theant 16:40:17  |  17-03-2015
Congratulations! Thanks for the gift, Ad Maiora!
lulibern 17:00:48  |  17-03-2015
arqxavier 19:08:22  |  17-03-2015
bujo 23:49:10  |  17-03-2015
Gerbilho 00:30:45  |  18-03-2015
Thank you! This is a great gift!
kyo14 01:30:19  |  18-03-2015
Happy 10th anniversary Evermotion!!!! Thank you for all of your awesome collections....^^
Redsteel 04:03:18  |  18-03-2015
Thank you! and congratz!!!
dreamunitpictures 05:44:14  |  18-03-2015
Happy Anniversary Evermotion! Thanks you for this collection!
fds 06:19:35  |  18-03-2015
Congratulations Evermotion team! Thanks a lot for this great LUG lights collection.
rshahluv 06:32:35  |  18-03-2015
Congratulations Evermotion team! Thanks a lot for this great LUG lights collection gift... Such an awesome collection.
arcadio 09:44:38  |  18-03-2015
Congratulations, thanks for the gift!
Wahyu EGK 13:49:57  |  18-03-2015
Congratulations EVERMOTION! Thank you for a wonderful collection.
sarfu.vp 13:52:32  |  18-03-2015
Very wonderful collection
tito3d81k 14:29:49  |  18-03-2015
hayalciatilla 15:34:28  |  18-03-2015
Congrats EVERMOTION !!!! Thank you this wonderful colection.
evermotion2015 15:47:21  |  18-03-2015
benedekvaszi 17:41:29  |  18-03-2015
Thank zou evermotion for the good work!!
wolfmanw 18:43:03  |  18-03-2015
Congratulations Evermotion! This is so fantastic for you folks. Look forward to purchasing here in the future
rapidbear 20:42:01  |  18-03-2015
Thank you Evermotion!! I love u <3
haryseldon 21:48:18  |  18-03-2015
Finally we see the faces of Evermotion... And u are nice_:)_! Thanks 4 the gift_:)
vgenden 03:28:36  |  19-03-2015
thank you guys. very cool volume. and happy birthday. you guys are best
saas123 05:59:19  |  21-03-2015
Happy Anniversary Evermotion
genel 03:43:34  |  23-03-2015
thank you so much for the free stuff its very useful thanks a lot more power!!!!!!!
philiphoto 19:31:51  |  25-03-2015
Thanks ! great product ! Thanks for this gift !
fredrik.asberg.85 20:59:27  |  26-03-2015
Thanks a lot for these 3D Models, they will come to great use for my company Fringo Rendering. Happy Aniversary!
ZaeX 21:56:37  |  31-03-2015
Congratulations ! Thank you !
navegador15 20:43:53  |  01-04-2015
Hola empezando a descargar este gran regalo espero disfrutar de este hermoso trabajo y nada disfrutar gracias
jikyunghwa 05:40:11  |  26-04-2015
thanks! ^^
RosePham 21:31:34  |  25-05-2015
Thank you very much! I very like you
theepr 16:08:20  |  19-07-2015
thanks a lot this would be very helpful
marcos andre 20:15:18  |  05-06-2016
Muito boa as iluminarias vão me ajudar muito Obrigado