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Making of "Day of Summer"

Peter Ang 2014-12-08 09:59 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > modeling

Making of awarded work by Peter Ang.

First of all I want to thanks Evermotion team and the judges for choosing my entry as 2nd honourable award. Also thanks to my lovely wife for supporting me always in my works. :)  It's an honor and great experience to join this years Evermotion Challenge with so many great artists. Congratulations to all winners and participants.

Click on image to enlarge nr_1st_wip_summer_peter_ang_421.jpg

At first I gathered reference photos to get ideas and mood for the concept.


Click on image to enlarge nr_2nd_wip_summer_peter_ang_422.jpg

Having a Concept sketch first is very important. It helps in building up your scene so you can have a good idea on the composition and all 3d elements.


Click on image to enlarge nr_3rd_wip_summer_peter_ang_423.jpg

Modeling in 3dsmax, Zbrush and Marvelous Designer

I modeled the interior and furniture. some of models were pre-made, and those that I needed to create were made with usual tools. I used extruding, turbo smooth, swift loops to chamfer hard edges on the walls and furniture. Marvelous Designer was used to create beach umbrella and cloth.

Click on image to enlarge nr_4th_wip_summer_peter_ang_424.jpg

A standard target direct was use as the sun. Vray sun is turned off.  Vray light planes are set as skyportals to add more light to the interior.


Click on image to enlarge nr_5th_wip_summer_peter_ang_414.jpg

Modelling the Sand using MultiScatter, Advance Painter and Zbrush


I made four small sand pebbles and converted them to vray proxies. I used ZBrush to create the pile of sand, it is fast in this kind of job.

In the next step I used Multiscatter on those objects. There is a lot of sand to be scattered. Multiscatter can use texture masking, it is very powerful in customizing the shape and scattering of the objects. It also follows the brush stroke fall off on your textures. You can put multiple multiscatter with different mask in one object. Advance painter was used to add sand details to some parts of the furniture.

Click on image to enlarge nr_6th_wip_summer_peter_ang_415.jpg

To get "busy office" look, I used AXYZ 3d people. I posed them manually using rig bones.


Click on image to enlarge nr_7th_wip_summer_peter_ang_416.jpg

Just random test lighting and compositing, to see where I'm going with this image. I decided to change camera angle to see more office details.


Click on image to enlarge nr_8th_wip_summer_peter_ang_417.jpg

V-Ray settings.


Click on image to enlarge nr_9th_wip_summer_peter_ang_418.jpg

After effects and Photoshop compositing

My element passes in Photoshop are blended usually in color dodge mode (fill=15-20). I used following elements: vray reflection, refraction, raw lighting, specular. I masked the parts that don't need highlights. For DOF effects, I used ZDepth pass with the help of frischluft lenscare plug-in in AE.

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Final Image


Click on image to enlarge nr_11th_camera_angles_summer_peter_ang_420.jpg

I decided to make some other camera angles to see the details much closer.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to visit my website for free downloads of 3d furniture.


Author: Peter Ang Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: summer city challenge peterang
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AhmedTallal 10:37:07  |  08-12-2014
great work my friend ;)
realizeby 02:20:29  |  10-12-2014
Cool~ I impressed!
Aip Wong 22:59:00  |  12-12-2014
woowwwww you very skill
anis13 23:55:46  |  23-12-2014
great very nice