This exterior scene was made by Evermotion. It was set in 3ds Max and rendered in V-Ray.
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This if the final scene after post-production.
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View from 3ds Max viewport.
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Overview of the scene. We made two more buildings, which rooftops are visible by camera. This way an image looks like a photo of some street corner in small village.
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Close-up. We haven't model any elements that are not visible by camera - background buildings don't have doors, etc.
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We used a single light source plus VRaySky to lit the scene. Settings above.
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Just in front of the building we placed dome planes with street and pavement textures.
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Tree from the left side of the scene.
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Close-up on leaves.
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Bark and leaves material.
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Bark map.
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Leaves 2-sided material.
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Leaves material - bitmap for diffuse slot.
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Buildings - meshes.
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Main building, close-up. As you can see, it's not complicated.
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Cone chimney is not connected with mesh, it overlaps it.
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Close-up of small bushes in front of the building.
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Building walls material.
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Ground plane.
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Ground plane material.
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The roof.
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The roof - close up.
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VraySun settings.
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Top view.
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Camera settings.
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RGB raw render.
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Photoshop stack. Above RGB layer we put a roof mask layer and two adjustment layers (hue / saturation and color balance)- those three layers enhance reds in roof area. The next layer - "desaturate high pass" sharpens the whole image. Levels layer increases contrast. We add reflection pass to make windows more realistic. Orange ZDepth layer makes close areas more orange. Three ExtraTex layers add detail to elements.
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Final image after post-production.
This exterior scene was made by Evermotion. It was set in 3ds Max and rendered in V-Ray.