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Making of small house exterior

Michał Franczak 2016-01-18 14:53 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > texturing

Making of scene 2 from Archexteriors vol. 22.

This exterior scene was made by Evermotion. It was set in 3ds Max and rendered in V-Ray.

You can:

Click on image to enlargenr_AE22_002_PP_903.jpg

This if the final scene after post-production.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0023_Layer_2_901.jpg

View from 3ds Max viewport.

Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0022_Layer_3_900.jpg

Overview of the scene. We made two more buildings, which rooftops are visible by camera. This way an image looks like a photo of some street corner in small village.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0021_Layer_4_899.jpg

Close-up. We haven't model any elements that are not visible by camera - background buildings don't have doors, etc.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0020_Layer_5_898.jpg

We used a single light source plus VRaySky to lit the scene. Settings above.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0019_Layer_6_897.jpg

Just in front of the building we placed dome planes with street and pavement textures.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0018_Layer_7_896.jpg

Tree from the left side of the scene.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0017_Layer_8_895.jpg

Close-up on leaves.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0016_Layer_9_894.jpg

Bark and leaves material.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0015_Layer_10_893.jpg

Bark map.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0014_Layer_11_892.jpg

Leaves 2-sided material.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0013_Layer_12_891.jpg

Leaves - VrayMaterial.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0012_Layer_13_890.jpg

Leaves material - bitmap for diffuse slot.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0011_Layer_14_889.jpg

Buildings - meshes.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0010_Layer_15_888.jpg

Main building, close-up. As you can see, it's not complicated.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0009_Layer_16_887.jpg

Cone chimney is not connected with mesh, it overlaps it.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0008_Layer_17_886.jpg

Close-up of small bushes in front of the building.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0007_Layer_18_885.jpg

Building walls material.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0006_Layer_19_884.jpg

Ground plane.


Click on image to enlargenr_ai22_s02__0005_Layer_20_883.jpg

Ground plane material.



Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0004_Layer_21_882.jpg

The roof.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0003_Layer_22_881.jpg

The roof - close up.


Click on image to enlargenr_ai22_s02__0002_Layer_23_880.jpg

VraySun settings.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0001_Layer_24_879.jpg

Top view.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ai22_s02__0000_Layer_25_878.jpg

Camera settings.


Click on image to enlargenr_AE22_002_RGB_color_877.jpg

RGB raw render.

Click on image to enlargenr_stack_ps_902.jpg

Photoshop stack. Above RGB layer we put a roof mask layer and two adjustment layers (hue / saturation and color balance)- those three layers enhance reds in roof area. The next layer - "desaturate high pass" sharpens the whole image. Levels layer increases contrast. We add reflection pass to make windows more realistic. Orange ZDepth layer makes close areas more orange. Three ExtraTex layers add detail to elements.


Click on image to enlargenr_AE22_002_PP_903.jpg

Final image after post-production.

This exterior scene was made by Evermotion. It was set in 3ds Max and rendered in V-Ray.

Author: Michał Franczak Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: house exterior sunny villa
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krakatoa 12:08:51  |  22-01-2016
Awsome! How about roof material, may you show how you done?
dr_After 10:35:37  |  26-01-2016
I will add some details about it later this week :)
YAQUBBHAI 12:12:46  |  28-01-2016