In this Tip of The Week we are going to show you the key elements of scene 7 from Archecxteriors vol. 22. This old house, probably made of even elder church gains reality mainly because of realistic displacement on brick supports and bump texture on elevation. Lighting is simple, we put just one source of light in this scene. Sky is an image mapped on the dome.
We will not focus on foliage this time- it comes from our Evermotion Archmodels collections. We have other tutorials for you if you want to look deeper into our techniques of modeling realistic plants.
This scene is a part of Archexteriors vol. 22 collection available in Evermotion Shop.
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This is the final image after post production.
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Wireframe. behind the building you can see big dome that was placed to simulate sky.
Scene setup
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Max viewport - camera view.
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And this is how this scene looks from above. Camera settings are on the left.
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Simplicity is often the best solution. There is only one source of light in this scene - VraySun, settings on the left.
Lighting and environment
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Building elevation mesh is not complicated at all.
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Building elevation material.
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Building elevation material - composite map settings.
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Supports are one of the key elements in this image. The mesh is simple, we used displacement map and detailed textures to achieve the impression of complexity.
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Supports material settings.
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Supports material settings (continued).
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Supports - displacement map settings. We made displacement map from diffuse map, we used Crazy Bump for this task.
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Sky - a diffuse environment image mapped on a dome.
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Raw render (no post-production).
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Our layers in Adobe Photoshop.
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Post-production (GIF animation)
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Final image after post-production.