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Making of an old house

Michał Franczak 2014-12-23 09:49 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > modeling

Simple breakdown of a scene 7 from Archexteriors vol. 22.

In this Tip of The Week we are going to show you the key elements of scene 7 from Archecxteriors vol. 22. This old house, probably made of even elder church gains reality mainly because of realistic displacement on brick supports and bump texture on elevation. Lighting is simple, we put just one source of light in this scene. Sky is an image mapped on the dome.

We will not focus on foliage this time-  it comes from our Evermotion Archmodels collections. We have other tutorials for you if you want to look deeper into our techniques of modeling realistic plants.

This scene is a part of Archexteriors vol. 22 collection available in Evermotion Shop.

Click on image to enlarge nr_AE22_007_PP_556.jpg

This is the final image after post production.


Click on image to enlarge nr_AE22_007_wire_558.jpg

Wireframe. behind the building you can see big dome that was placed to simulate sky.


Scene setup

Click on image to enlarge nr_ae22_0017_from_camera_wire_550.jpg

Max viewport - camera view.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ae22_0016_camera_549.jpg

And this is how this scene looks from above. Camera settings are on the left.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ae22_0008_sun_559.jpg

Simplicity is often the best solution. There is only one source of light in this scene - VraySun, settings on the left.


Lighting and environment

Click on image to enlarge nr_ae22_0015_building_548.jpg

Building elevation mesh is not complicated at all.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ae22_0014_building_material_547.jpg

Building elevation material.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ae22_0013_building_material_2_546.jpg

Building elevation material - composite map settings.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ae22_0012_elements_563.jpg

Supports are one of the key elements in this image. The mesh is simple, we used displacement map and detailed textures to achieve the impression of complexity.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ae22_0011_elements_material_562.jpg

Supports material settings.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ae22_0010_elements_material_2_561.jpg

Supports material settings (continued).


Click on image to enlarge nr_ae22_0009_elements_displacement_560.jpg

Supports - displacement map settings. We made displacement map from diffuse map, we used Crazy Bump for this task.


Click on image to enlarge nr_ae22_0007_map_555.jpg

Sky - a diffuse environment image mapped on a dome.


Click on image to enlarge nr_RENDER_SETTINGS_554.jpg

Render settings.


Click on image to enlarge nr_AE22_007_raw_557.jpg

Raw render (no post-production).


Click on image to enlarge nr_pp_stacK_553.jpg

Our layers in Adobe Photoshop.



Click on image to enlarge _0007_ROUND_WALL_MATERIAL_BASE.jpg

Post-production (GIF animation)


Click on image to enlarge nr_AE22_007_PP_556.jpg

Final image after post-production.


Author: Michał Franczak Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: house old archinteriorsvol.27 scene007
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thuan.arch 06:10:05  |  24-12-2014
very nice
zahir3d 12:45:21  |  24-12-2014
great job!
vanderloo 05:01:31  |  04-03-2015
So curious to know how you degraded the old brick towards the bottom of the chimney.