This exterior is a part of Evermotion's Archexteriors vol. 29 collection. Archexteriors vol. 29 is a one big scene that includes full house with 9 interiors, several exterior cameras, vegetation, outside buildings and a dozens of props. This is the most complete and coherent visualization of big area - great resource scene for anybody that needs to present some suburbian house or nice villa. There is even a harbour and a boat!
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Archexteriors vol. 29 include several exterior cameras. This is a view from camera 4. This is a final image, after post-production in Adobe Photoshop.
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Exterior cameras placements in Archexteriors vol. 29.
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Wireframe view of the scene.
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Click to open 360 panorama of this scene that you can navigate with your mouse. Panramic camera is placed between camera 4 and camera 5.
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The building seen by camera 4 in 3ds Max viewport.
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With material color enabled we can see basic texturing of the scene. there is also a dome covering the scene that acts like artificial sky (visible to camera and in rendering, but for lighting we use another sky - VraySky map in Environment slot).
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Main source of light - VraySun settings.
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We used also VraySky to compliment VraySun color.
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The whole scene was surrounded by a dome.
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Dome material settings.
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Water material
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Water material - gradient map.
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Water material - gradient map 2.
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Water material - map mixing
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Water material - bump map
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Water material - other maps.
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Water material - maps used for displacement
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Main building and its surroundings (without ground mesh and water plane).
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Main building and cameras placements
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the image that we show you in this tip is made from camera 4 view. Camera settings are on the right.
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As we have shown earlier, the main light source are vraySun and VraySky. We used rectangular portals to let this light into interiors.
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There are two fences surrounding the house - a natural wooden one and one made of stone base and painted wooden rails.
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Fence - element
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Fence - painted wood material
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Fence - stone base material
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Fence - stone base material - falloff map settings
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Main building is made of elements, similar to lego bricks
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Building mesh
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Wall materials (outside / inside).
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Walls material - outside
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Walls material - inside
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Wooden wall
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Wooden wall material
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Window frame mesh
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Multi/Sub-Object material - window handle, glass and frame
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Window handle material
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Window glass material
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Window frame material
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Window frame - falloff map settings
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Environment - ground mesh, buildings, trees proxies, plants proxies, etc... (gif animation)
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Horizon bitmap
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Horizon bitmap material
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An arc with a mask that contains map for distand trees on the back of a house. The mask covers only trees, surrounding sky is projected from a dome.
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Distant trees material.
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The vegetation is placed as proxy files.
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On this screen we turned on small bushes proxies.
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Small bushes.
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Small rocks surrounding the house are also proxies.
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Render settings
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Raw render
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Photoshop layers and post-production. Above raw render layer we placed hue / saturation layer that changes hue (+11) and lightness (+32) of the sky. The next layer gives sharpness to an image. The next 6 layers are passes blended with screen mode (reflection, specular, refraction, lighting, GI, atmosphere, sun). Over them we placed vignette layer, color balance to increase yellows and curves on top to bring back the contrast.
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Final image after post-production. Thanks for reading!
> Buy Archexteriors vol. 29 collection in Evermotion Shop.