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Making of "Lost in the Forest"

Romuald Chaigneau 2015-08-12 15:09 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > modeling

Romuald Chaigneau shows how he made the visualization of a small hut lost in woods.

Hello, greetings to all Evermotion community. My name is Romuald Chaigneau and I have the chance to present you the development of my last project thanks to Evermotion. This is a small hut lost in woods.

To start, here are the four final renders.

Click on image to enlarge nr_1_244.jpg

Final render 1

Click on image to enlarge nr_2_245.jpg

Final render 2

Click on image to enlarge nr_3_246.jpg

Final render 3

Click on image to enlarge nr_4_247.jpg

Final render 4

Introduction and reference

All began on Instagram. There are a few months, I came across a photograph. A little hut in the woods in a night atmosphere. From this moment, I thought it would be a great exercise to try to reproduce a scene in the same atmosphere. So I started looking for some additional references to guide me in this project.

Click on image to enlarge nr_5_248.jpg



Click on image to enlarge nr_6_249.jpg

As you can see, the modeling of the hut is very simple. It is only few boxes and few extruded splines.

Click on image to enlarge nr_7_250.jpg

To make the tiles, I simply create a "plane" with a "noise" and a "shell" to give a thickness. It remained for me to duplicate and changing the "seed" in the "noise" to create different variations.

Click on image to enlarge nr_8_251.jpg

I created the field with a "plane", and I realized variations with the tool "paint deformation."


Click on image to enlarge nr_9_252.jpg

I also modeled some small decorative elements to add more details.

Camera and composition

The first goal was to create an image similar to my reference. So I placed several camera in the same direction as my reference photography, and here the one I have chosen.

Click on image to enlarge nr_10_253.jpg

I also added some trees by hand in order to properly control my composition.


Click on image to enlarge nr_11_254.jpg

Then I had the urge to create a front camera for fun.

Vegetation, plants

Once the camera composition created, I could start placing all vegetation.

Click on image to enlarge nr_12_255.jpg

Grass was modeled by the artist Alexandre Jarek, go see his pictures, they are awesome.

Click on image to enlarge nr_13_256.jpg

I put the grass on the area that I wanted with a multiscatter. No need to put everywhere, it will not show in the final image. Then another multiscatter for trees. Nothing complicated.

Click on image to enlarge nr_14_257.jpg

A final multiscatter to distribute few small pebbles in the way, modeled using the script "rock generator".

Day lighting

As I have said, the first goal was to create an image with a night atmosphere. But first I preferred to create a day lighting to properly control my material later, and then create a night lighting.

I think it is very important to first set a good lighting and then create the materials. Doing the opposite is a huge mistake in my opinion.
To summarize: day lighting with white material -> creation of materials -> Night lighting

Click on image to enlarge nr_15_258.jpg

My lighting is very simple. This is a dome with a HDRI and a small light to accentuate the light and shadows.

Click on image to enlarge nr_16_259.jpg



Click on image to enlarge nr_17_260.jpg

Here's my wooden tile material.

Click on image to enlarge nr_18_261.jpg

For the field, first I unfolded my object to create a diffuse map.

Click on image to enlarge nr_19_262.jpg

But to have more details on the path, I duplicated a part of the object to add a more detailed map. I also created a reflection map to add a puddle effect. I thought it added details on the night view.

Night lighting

Click on image to enlarge nr_20_263.jpg

For night lighting, it is a dome with HDRI and some light to the interior of the hut and on the lantern. The goal was to create a hot / cold contrast between the blue of the night and the orange of the interior of the hut.


Click on image to enlarge nr_21_264.jpg

To start, here are two raw renders.


Click on image to enlarge nr_22_265.jpg

We will take as example the night view. Here are the pass which I used.


Click on image to enlarge nr_23_266.jpg

I started to working the background and the sky.

Click on image to enlarge nr_24_267.jpg

Then added few reflection on some elements of the image.

Click on image to enlarge nr_25_268.jpg

Adding animals, fireflies and mists.

Click on image to enlarge nr_26_269.jpg

Finally, color retouching, adding depth and mist with pass depth and accentuation of lights.

Thank you all for reading these few lines. I hope this has helped you or simply inspired. Thank you again to Evermotion for giving me the chance to share this work, thank to the community, and all those who support me.


Author: Romuald Chaigneau Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: forest exterior lost hut
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chrislund 21:14:24  |  13-08-2015
Camera settings?
brazz 02:22:09  |  16-08-2015
great work, loved this image. Nice making of too.
architect.aliqais 08:27:53  |  24-08-2015
amazing work
r0mu 11:55:57  |  24-08-2015
Many thanks guys ! @chrislund: There is no camera settings because i used a standars camera.
SoulSlayer 21:29:21  |  01-07-2016
It's beautiful, can I know where you got the trees please?
WaseemOnLiNe 08:54:40  |  17-08-2016
I spend much time sitting and staring to this amazing work... I love it.. Thank you for doing this piece of art
chrislund 18:32:53  |  15-09-2016
I got a two questions, did u do any color correction in the frame buffer, and can we see the render settings? :)
chrislund 18:33:44  |  15-09-2016
I got two questions *
r0mu 00:03:17  |  23-11-2016
@WassemOnLiNe Thank you man! @chrislund No there is no color corection or any else in the frame buffer.