This exterior scene was made by Evermotion in 3ds Max and V-Ray. It is a scene 8 from Archexteriors vol. 18. You can purchase this single scene or entire Archexteriors vol. 18 collection in Evermotion Shop. This scene has three Vray Physical cameras.
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Evening exterior scene - as seen by camera 1. Many light sources, foliage and realistic grass and buildings in the neighborhood.
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Wireframe view of the scene (camera 1).
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Camera 2 - we see the building from the opposite side, more concrete, less foliage.
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Wireframe view of the scene (camera 2).
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Camera 3 view with a lawn in the foreground.
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Wireframe view - camera 3.
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Camera 3 view - 3ds Max viewport. There is a lot of greenery in this scene, grass and trees are put as VrayProxies.
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Despite of using proxies, we distributed object among many layers to easy navigation of the scene.
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Evening sky is made as a material of the white dome.
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Vray light material of a dome.
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Pavement material. Base floor material has a stone pattern in diffuse, reflection, glossiness and bump slots. Coat material gives additional dirt and imperfections to the surface.
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Pavement stone maps - base material.
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Brown boxes are proxies of trees. we used trees from Archmodels vol. 106 collection.
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Grass objects are distributed on different layers - the key to realistic grass is using blades of different size and kind.
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Concrete wall surrounding the main building.
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Concrete wall has different material on top and sides of the mesh, we used Vray Multi / SubObject material for that.
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Concrete wall material - VrayBlend material settings.
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Concrete wall - VrayMaterial settings.
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Concrete wall material - coat material.
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Concrete wall material - top material.
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Grass material - 2-sided VrayMaterial.
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Main building silhouette - very simple mesh.
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Main building silhouette material - Vray EdgesTex material.
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Main building silhouette - VrayEdgestex material 1 settings.
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Main building silhouette - VrayEdgestex material 2 settings.
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Surrounding buildings. This scene is quite big, it's practically one suburbs quarter.
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Light sources are mainly small garden lights made with VrayLights and IES lights.
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The whole scene is put in a box with VrayEnvironmentFog, so we can add atmosphere.
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We used VrayHDRI with evening shot to lit the scene.
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VrayEnvironmentFog settings
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Small light sources - close-up.
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Paper lamp material is quite sophisticated - it's VrayBlend material and both base and coat materials are Vray 2-sided materials, which gives us 4 submaterials for a paper of a lamp. Both 2-sided materials are blended with VrayDirt map.
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Paper lamp - VraydirtMap settings.
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Paper lamp - VrayMaterial settings (base material, side 1).
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Paper lamp - VrayMaterial settings (coat material, side 1).
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Photoshop layers. In final render we got a little bit of noise on a tree on the right, we got rid of it with blurry layer. the next layer sharpens the image. Reflection and specular layers give more shine to the grass and pavement, which greatly improves realism. Fog layer is VrayEnvironmentFog pass that addas the atmosphere. Color balance to get rid of unwanted blue tones, curves for greater contrast. "V" layer is vignette.
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Final image, after post-production (camera 1)
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Final image, after post-production (camera 2)
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Final image, after post-production (camera 3)
This exterior scene was made by Evermotion in 3ds Max and V-Ray. It is scene 8 from Archexteriors vol. 18. You can purchase this single scene or entire Archexteriors vol. 18 collection in Evermotion Shop.