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Making of Big Loft Office

Michał Franczak 2014-07-31 10:09 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > rendering

Breakdown of scene 8 from Archinteriors vol. 33 collection

It is a breakdown of a scene that presents modern office space located in a loft. The scene was made by Piotr Mróz from Evermotion and it is a part of our newest Archinteriors vol. 33 collection available in Evermotion Shop. 


This scene was modeled and set with 3DS Max and rendered with V-Ray (check V-Ray price in our shop).

Click on image to enlarge 1_AI33_008_PP_nr_2183.jpg

This is final image after post production


Click on image to enlarge 2_AI33_008_wire_nr_2190.jpg



Click on image to enlarge 3_view_from_camera.JPG

View from camera


Click on image to enlarge 4_overview_2.jpg

Overview of the scene. Scene is lit by dome light, room light (VrayLight in the front). Rest of VrayLights are skyportals.



Gamma set to 2.2





System units


Click on image to enlarge 5_overview_3.jpg

Another overview with removed ceiling. We put a lot of props in this interior - desks, chairs, computers, laptops, lamps, even bicycles :)


Click on image to enlarge 6_overview_4.jpg

Close-up of the scene


Click on image to enlarge 6b_rug.jpg

A carpet is a simple squashed box. There is no displacement, we used a bump map.


Click on image to enlarge 7_rug_1.jpg

Carpet material settings.




Click on image to enlarge 8_rug_2.jpg

Carpet material - maps. As you can see, carpet bump has extremely high value (500).


Click on image to enlarge 9_wall_1.jpg

Wall material settings.


Click on image to enlarge 10_wall_2.jpg

Wall material - maps. Notice, there is no map in bump slot.


Click on image to enlarge 11_wall_displacement.jpg

We used VrayDisplacementMod to achieve 3d look of a wall.


Click on image to enlarge 12_wall_displacement_B.jpg

Displacement map settings


Click on image to enlarge 13_floor.jpg

Floor material is rather simple glossy concrete without bump.


Click on image to enlarge 14_light_dome.jpg

Dome light settings


Click on image to enlarge 15_light_plane.jpg

Behind a camera we put an additional light. Settings on the right.


Click on image to enlarge 16_light_portal.jpg

We put light portals in windows.


Click on image to enlarge 17_camera.jpg

Camera settings


Click on image to enlarge 18_render_settings.JPG

Render settings


Click on image to enlarge 19_AI33_008_RGB_color_nr_2189.jpg

Raw render


Click on image to enlarge 20_AI33_008_VRayLightSelect_global_nr_2186.jpg

VrayLight (global)


Click on image to enlarge 21_AI33_008_VRayLightSelect_room_nr_2185.jpg

VrayLight (room)


Click on image to enlarge 22_AI33_008_VRayReflection_nr_2187.jpg



Click on image to enlarge 23_AI33_008_VRayRefraction_nr_2188.jpg



Click on image to enlarge 24_AI33_008_VRayZDepth_nr_2184.jpg



Click on image to enlarge photoshop_stack.jpg

Photoshop stack


Click on image to enlarge sharpen.jpg

At first, we sharpened the image


Click on image to enlarge reflection.jpg

Added reflection layer


Click on image to enlarge refraction.jpg

Added refraction layer


Click on image to enlarge refraction_gaussian_blur.jpg

We blurred light behind the window, using gaussian blur on refraction layer.


Click on image to enlarge light_room.jpg

Added light room layer


Post production in Photoshop

Click on image to enlarge light_global.jpg

Added global light layer


Click on image to enlarge fliter.jpg

Final levels and color correction and voila - we have our final image.




Author: Michał Franczak Editor: Michal Franczak
Tags: archinteriors office loft archinteriorsvol.33
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burocknroll 04:33:59  |  01-08-2014
Beautiful scene and great tutorial, thanks!
Mihai Ivan 19:56:01  |  06-08-2014
Michal, great tutorial! I have a question though: did you use a hdri in the dome light map slot, or it's just the plain simple dome? Thank you, M.
Vizceral 03:22:59  |  05-02-2015
I bought these office projects. I am very impressed. I do have one question... in your Photoshop file, you make a "sharpen" layer. It's not really described how you achieved it. Can you elaborate?