It is a breakdown of a scene that presents modern office space located in a loft. The scene was made by Piotr Mróz from Evermotion and it is a part of our newest Archinteriors vol. 33 collection available in Evermotion Shop.

This scene was modeled and set with 3DS Max and rendered with V-Ray (check V-Ray price in our shop).
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This is final image after post production
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Overview of the scene. Scene is lit by dome light, room light (VrayLight in the front). Rest of VrayLights are skyportals.

Gamma set to 2.2


System units
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Another overview with removed ceiling. We put a lot of props in this interior - desks, chairs, computers, laptops, lamps, even bicycles :)
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A carpet is a simple squashed box. There is no displacement, we used a bump map.
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Carpet material settings.

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Carpet material - maps. As you can see, carpet bump has extremely high value (500).
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Wall material - maps. Notice, there is no map in bump slot.
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We used VrayDisplacementMod to achieve 3d look of a wall.
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Displacement map settings
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Floor material is rather simple glossy concrete without bump.
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Behind a camera we put an additional light. Settings on the right.
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We put light portals in windows.
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Click on image to enlarge 
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Click on image to enlarge 
Click on image to enlarge 
Click on image to enlarge 
Click on image to enlarge 
Click on image to enlarge 
Click on image to enlarge 
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At first, we sharpened the image
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We blurred light behind the window, using gaussian blur on refraction layer.
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Post production in Photoshop
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Click on image to enlarge 
Final levels and color correction and voila - we have our final image.