This scene was made by Marcin Białecki from Evermotion and it is included in Archexteriors vol. 24. You can order this collection in Evermotion Shop. This scene was modeled and set with 3DS Max and rendered with V-Ray (check V-Ray price!).
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This is the final image after post production.
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Scene setup
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Environment is built upon two meshes. One is a big box with gradient environment map and the second is a cylinder that acts as a far forest line.
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Close-up view. There is a lot of foliage in this scene, plants and trees were put to separate layers.
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Close-up of the building front.
Lighting and environment
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Top view. As you can see, the scene consists of four buildings. The building closest to the camera is template" or "ghost building". It is meant to be replaced by the artist.
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Camera settings. We use standard V-Ray camera with expanded FOV.
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VrayLight settings. The scene is lit by a single VrayLight Dome.
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VrayLight settings (continued). As you can see, dome uses VrayHDRI texture.
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HDRI texture used by dome light.
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The box that surrounds the scene acts as a sky.
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Box uses gradient map as a color for VrayLight Material.
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Cylinder acts as a tree line. It also uses VrayLight material. It is unwrapped (cylindrical).
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Cylinder material - trees with opacity mask
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The street is a simple poly, extruded from a line.
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Street material - Vray material with three maps.
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Composite map in bump slot consists of three layers.
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The curb is a separate object.
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Curb material is rather simple - it combines gradient and two bitmaps in diffuse slot and uses fallof in reflect map slot.
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Curb material - diffuse map strength is set to 80%.
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Falloff in reflection map slot is set to perpendicular / parallel and in z-axis direction.
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Driveway has a material that looks sophisticated, but it is quite simple, really. The first four materials are just color variations, the coat material adds extra variation to bumpiness.
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Base material 1 maps settings.
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Coat material settings (continued).
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Pavement base material (maps).
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Pavement base material uses fallof composite map in reflection slot. It is used for better reflection control.
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This is how this material looks without fallof map.
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Pavement - coat material settings.
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Dark coat material is blended with bright base material using bitmap.
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We used proxy object for roofing, because we don't like slow viewports.
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We also used proxies for rocks and grass. Material - ground below grass. the grass was made with Forest Pack, we know that not everyone has this software, that is why we converted it to instances using Forest Tools.

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Second building - facade material
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Second building - facade material maps.
Render settings
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Post production in Photoshop (GIF animation)
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Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! :)