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3dsmax: Vray Lightmap

PENdzel 2005-02-07 00:00 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > modeling

Dive into the world of V-Ray lighting in 3ds Max with Evermotion's tutorial. Explore the process of creating a V-Ray lightmap to add realistic and accurate lighting to your 3D scenes, enhancing their overall visual quality.

Open start scene - you can download it from evermotion server: CLICK HERE

Notice that all materials used in this scene are Vray Shaders with collor set to: R215, G215, B215.

This is setup direct Light (Direct01). It was created to simulate sun light, so multiplier is set to 2.0. Light Cone is quite huge, coz it has to be bigger than window, what it is falling throught. Shadows are turned on too (and set to VrayShadow).

Here you can see VrayLight sets. We choose Plane type. Invisible is turn on, coz Direct01 light needs to go throught VrayLight.

Remember, that visible light makes barrier for other lights - so it gives shadows. Multiplier of VrayLight is set to 5.0.

Enviiroment Color is set as white.

Now renderer parameters. Indirect Ilumination is turn on. In Primary and Secondary Bounce we need to set values of Lightmap. We do this, coz we just want to check level of brightnees of our light. In Calculation parameters, Subdivs parameter should be set to 300. Store direct light and Show calc. phase are turn on - to see progress of our rendering process.

Here you can see a screen of progress of our rendering process.

And another.

And here you can see rendered image.

To increase quality of our Lightmap we have to increase Subdivs parameter to 1000.

Here you can see rendered image. As you can notice quality is only a little better than in previous image and rendering time is much longer.

Now increasing quality of our scene. Choose Irradiance map in Primary bounce. Take a look at irradiance map's sets. We used concret sets of delone trangulation - and we increase Adaptive amount in QMC Sampler. Thanks to this our render will have much better quality but rendering time will be longer.

Here you can see final scene. It can be download form evermotion server: CLICK HERE

Adding Volume Light. In this case we have to switch render to scanline and scene shader to standard max material. In shadows we choose Shadow Map. In render common paremeters we choose Force 2-Sided. Next we put Volume Light in Atmosphere. And we set Volume light for Direct01 light. To download scene with Volume sets form evermotion server: CLICK HERE

Here you can see rendered scene.

Now we open GI ann Volume renders in Photoshop.

Next we put Volume render as a layer 1 on GI render.

Now we make correction of VOlume layer - we delete all bugs by hand.

Now we add mask layer to Volume layer and we use Clouds filter in mask. Next we change this whole layer to screen. Now we make correction of VOlume layer - we delete all bugs by hand.

To make better effect, on background layer, we choose select>>>color range and using piker we choose white color. We create new layer and we choose Select and Feather with value set to 10 px. Next we add white color to the mask and controle it by opacity. At the end I add 3 layers with ellipses that simulate some light effects in camera lens. And that is all. CLICK HERE to dowload file with postproduction form evermotion server.

B. Regards
Evermotion Team

Author: PENdzel
Tags: v-ray
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desigener 16:03:33  |  02-01-2014
tanks..happy new year