This modern interior scene is a part of our popular Archinteriors vol. 27 collection (for C4D version go here: Archinteriors vol. 27 for Cinema 4D). This scene was modeled and set with 3DS Max and rendered with V-Ray (check V-Ray price in our shop!). It comes with 3 cameras.
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View from camera 1 - wire
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View from camera 2 - wire
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View from camera 3 - wire
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Camera 1 - overview. As you can see, it is quite simple scene. What makes it special are: nice props and furniture, realistic shaders for interior walls, ceiling and floor, many light sources and carefully picked camera angle.
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Gamma settings. to achieve realistic results, use Gamma 2,2
In the scene with so many elements, it is a must to distribute them on separate layers.
We use metric units system.
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This is how the building looks from above (all elements are hidden except of walls, windows, floor and ground plane).
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The building from above with furniture, props, cameras and lights
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There are many light sources in this scene. 19 vray lights that act as halogens, 19 spot lights before them that are giving directional light, 7 plane lights in windows and one target directional light that acts as a sunlight.
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Each mounted lamp consists of a 3d model and two light sources - vray light and target spot light (settings on the right)
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Mounted lamp - vray light settings
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Target directional light settings. The planes that you see on the right are buildings that are visible behind the window.
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A carpet that is visible on the middle of the floor was made with displace and VraydisplacementMod. Settings of the latter are on the right.
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Carpet - Displace Modifier settings
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Carpet material is rather simple
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Material for curtains was made with falloff maps in Diffuse and Refract slots.
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Curtains material, diffuse falloff map settings
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Curtains material, refract falloff map settings
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Another interesting material is a golden looking wall behind the sink.
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It is a VRay material with interesting bump. We used MixMap that blends a brushed metal bitmap with standard 3ds Max noise map.
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Floor was made with a floor generator script for 3ds Max and then cut to fit the shape of a building
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Floor material. We used Color Correction to darken diffuse map. Setting are on the right.
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Wall material is a VrayBlendMaterial. Two, slightly different materials were blended with VrayDirt.
Render settings
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Render settings. Click on image to enlarge.
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Now it is a Photoshop time. At first, we adjusted curves just a bit.
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We added a layer with Vrayreflection element to emphasize reflections
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Above we put a layer with VraySpecular element.
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Another adjustment layer with curves correction
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On the top we put subtle hue / saturation correction and the final image is ready.
Thanks for reading! Please, leave your comment if you have any questions.
Remember - you can browse and buy the scenes from Archinteriors vol. 27 in Evermotion Shop and on reseller sites. :)