The scene comes from Evermotion Archexteriors vol. 21 collection and it is available in Evermotion Shop.

This scene was modeled and set with 3DS Max and rendered with V-Ray (check V-Ray price in our shop).
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This is final image after post production
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Overview of the scene. There are three main lights in the scene - target directional light, VraySun and a separate spotlight for caustics.

Gamma set to 2.2


System units
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We also used a dome, that covers the whole scene.
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We assigned VrayLightMaterial to the dome and put a sunny skies map texture. Map settings are on the right. Dome isn't a lightsource though - it is used as a background.
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We put also some rounded planes that act as a forest in the distance.

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The trees planes are also VrayLight Materials with a bitmaps. Map settings are on the right.
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VrayLightMtl settings of background planes.
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We put camera over the swimming pool and decreased focal length to 16mm to achieve the mighty-look of the building and pool.
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Main building isn't a very complicated model. It is heavily chamfered - it makes it look more ancient, more typical for mediterranean region of the world.
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Wall material is a simple VrayMaterial with plaster bitmap put in two slots - diffuse and bump.
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Roof tiles material is a bit more complicated. It is a VrayBlend material with base and coat mixed by VrayDirtMap
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Roof base material settings
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Roof coat material settings
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Water is a displaced plane
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Water plane with displace and turbosmooth turned off (only bump map enabled)
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Simple noise bitmap used for bump slot
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Target Directional Light settings. This light affects specular components of the trees, it is not a main scene light
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Main light in the scene comes from VraySun
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Spectacular caustics are casted by Vray spot Light. Id does not affect anything in the scene - it only is used for caustics.
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As you can see - spot light is not casted on any object, it is used only for caustics
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We put also environment fog in the scene - it makes distant element more natural as it brings some air to the scene.
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Raw render output (RGB Color)
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Post production - at first, we put reflection layer above our raw render.
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We tweaked background colors and levels a bit
Post production in Photoshop
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More color correction and added specular layer
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Final image! If you have any questions, please, write them in comments.