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Making of summer villa from Archexteriors vol. 21

Michał Franczak 2014-07-25 10:31 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > modeling

It is a breakdown of a scene that presents mediterranean villa in the middle of sunny day.

The scene comes from Evermotion Archexteriors vol. 21 collection and it is available in Evermotion Shop. 


This scene was modeled and set with 3DS Max and rendered with V-Ray (check V-Ray price in our shop).

Click on image to enlarge 1_AE21_009_PP_nr_2136.jpg

This is final image after post production


Click on image to enlarge 2_AE21_009_wire_nr_2134.jpg



Click on image to enlarge 3_OVERVIEW_1_nr_2133.jpg

View from camera


Click on image to enlarge 4_OVERVIEW_2_nr_2132.jpg

Overview of the scene. There are three main lights in the scene - target directional light, VraySun and a separate spotlight for caustics.



Gamma set to 2.2





System units


Click on image to enlarge 5_DOME_1_nr_2131.jpg

We also used a dome, that covers the whole scene.


Click on image to enlarge 6_DOME_2_nr_2130.jpg

We assigned VrayLightMaterial to the dome and put a sunny skies map texture. Map settings are on the right. Dome isn't a lightsource though - it is used as a background.


Click on image to enlarge 7_DOME_3_nr_2129.jpg

VrayLightMtl settings


Click on image to enlarge 8_BACKGROUND_TREES_1_nr_2128.jpg

We put also some rounded planes that act as a forest in the distance.




Click on image to enlarge 9_BACKGROUND_TREES_2_nr_2127.jpg

The trees planes are also VrayLight Materials with a bitmaps. Map settings are on the right.


Click on image to enlarge 10_BACKGROUND_TREES_3_nr_2126.jpg

VrayLightMtl settings of background planes.


Click on image to enlarge 15_CAMERA_nr_2121.jpg

We put camera over the swimming pool and decreased focal length to 16mm to achieve the mighty-look of the building and pool.


Click on image to enlarge 16_MAIN_BUILDING_nr_2120.jpg

Main building isn't a very complicated model. It is heavily chamfered - it makes it look more ancient, more typical for mediterranean region of the world.


Click on image to enlarge 17_WALLS_nr_2119.jpg

Wall material is a simple VrayMaterial with plaster bitmap put in two slots - diffuse and bump.


Click on image to enlarge 18_ROOF_BLEND_nr_2118.jpg

Roof tiles material is a bit more complicated. It is a VrayBlend material with base and coat mixed by VrayDirtMap


Click on image to enlarge 19_ROOF_BASE_nr_2117.jpg

Roof base material settings


Click on image to enlarge 20_ROOF_COAT_nr_2116.jpg

Roof coat material settings


Click on image to enlarge 21_ROOF_DIRTMAP_nr_2115.jpg

Roof Vray Dirt settings


Click on image to enlarge 22_WATER_DISPLACE_nr_2114.jpg

Water is a displaced plane


Click on image to enlarge 23_WATER_WITHOUT_DISPLACE_nr_2113.jpg

Water plane with displace and turbosmooth turned off (only bump map enabled)


Click on image to enlarge water_mat.jpg

Water material


Click on image to enlarge waternoise.jpg

Simple noise bitmap used for bump slot



Click on image to enlarge 24_TARGET_LIGHT_nr_2112.jpg

Target Directional Light settings. This light affects specular components of the trees, it is not a main scene light


Click on image to enlarge sunlight.jpg

Main light in the scene comes from VraySun


Click on image to enlarge spot_light.JPG

Spectacular caustics are casted by Vray spot Light. Id does not affect anything in the scene - it only is used for caustics.


Click on image to enlarge 6_exclude_f.jpg

As you can see - spot light is not casted on any object, it is used only for caustics



Click on image to enlarge 25_RENDER_SETTINGS_nr_2110.jpg

Render settings


Click on image to enlarge 26_ENVIRONMENT_nr_2111.jpg

We put also environment fog in the scene - it makes distant element more natural as it brings some air to the scene.


Click on image to enlarge PP0_RGB_COLOR_nr_2107.jpg

Raw render output (RGB Color)


Click on image to enlarge PP1_VRAYREFLECT_nr_2108.jpg

VrayReflect element


Click on image to enlarge PP2_VRaySelfIllumination_nr_2144.jpg



Click on image to enlarge PP3_VRAYSPECULAR_nr_2143.jpg



Click on image to enlarge PP4_VRayZDepth_copy_nr_2142.jpg



Click on image to enlarge PP5_OBJECT_ID_nr_2109.jpg



Click on image to enlarge PP6_REFLECTION_nr_2141.jpg

Post production - at first, we put reflection layer above our raw render.


Click on image to enlarge PP7_LEVELS_nr_2140.jpg

Slight levels correction


Click on image to enlarge PP8_BG_TWEAK_nr_2139.jpg

We tweaked background colors and levels a bit


Post production in Photoshop

Click on image to enlarge PP9_CORRECTIONS_SPECULAR_nr_2138.jpg

More color correction and added specular layer


Click on image to enlarge PP10_PS_STACK_nr_2137.jpg

Photoshop layers stack


Click on image to enlarge 1_AE21_009_PP_nr_2136.jpg

Final image! If you have any questions, please, write them in comments.




Author: Michał Franczak Editor: Michal Franczak
Tags: archinteriors
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djn3629 09:56:11  |  30-07-2014
tracer_agw 06:27:10  |  13-08-2014
Thanks Guys, that's an awesome tutorial. I learnt a lot from that.
samarfouad86 13:34:56  |  29-09-2014
thank you