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Making of small conference room

Evermotion 2017-06-13 11:52 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > texturing

Breakdown of scene 10 from Archinteriors vol. 47.

Final render after post-production


Raw render


Scene in 3ds Max viewport




VraySun settings


Camera settings


Building mesh


V-Ray dome light settings


Outside walls


Outside walls material


Inside walls


Inside walls material


The building has a rectangle area inside. We have glass windows in the inside walls. Here you have all elements together: two layers of glass, framing, etc.


Window frames


Window frames - close up


Window frames material


Glass planes


Glass material


All layers of inside glass walls


Without building mesh and glass walls we have some more detailed elements, closer to the camera.


The ceiling lamp seen from above


Under the lamp we placed four V-Ray lights


V-Ray Light Settings


Ceiling light seen from below


Ceiling material consists of two similar materials, they slightly vary between ceiling panels and frames around them.


Ceiling material - frame


Ceiling material - main


Interesting office lamp was made from extruded and rotated boxes.


Lamp material


We placed Vray Lights on the bottom. This is a mesh with VrayLight modifier.


VrayLight settings


Table mesh


Table material


Chair mesh


Chair - material of a seating (darker)


Chair - material of a seating - lighter


Floor mesh


Floor material


Render settings


Post-production was very subtle: just enlighting some areas with render elements and curves layer and sharpening a bit.


Final image after post-production

Author: Evermotion Editor: Michal Franczak
Tags: archinteriors scene10 ai vol.47
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Hi! My name is Piotr Mroz and I work in Evermotion. I would like to show You how I made one of our interior visualizations.


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vijayan.vipin85 14:46:59  |  15-06-2017
Great tutorial.. But the render image and the tutorial shown are two different areas.
caesarq 03:41:34  |  19-06-2017
The tutorial corresponds to a different one: Making of Glossy Lobby - Tip of the Week
dr_After 09:02:36  |  28-06-2017
Hi! Fixed!