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Making of Industrial Loft - Tip of the Week

Michał Franczak 2016-11-12 11:44 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > modeling

We are breaking down the scene from Archinteriors vol. 46.

This scene was created by Michał Horba from Evermotion. It's a scene one from Archexteriors vol. 46 - a collection of industrial lofts that will be available soon in Evermotion Shop (and official Evermotion resellers). It was rendered in V-Ray.

Click on image to enlargeAI46_001_PP_evermotion.jpg

The final scene after post-production.


  • AI46_001_PP_evermotion.jpg
  • AI46_001_.RGB_color_evermotion.jpg
Camera 1: post-production vs. raw render. Use slider to see the difference.



The scene in 3ds Max viewport.




The scene is lit by VraySun. Settings are on the right.




Vray lights covering windows are just light portals, letting sunlight in.



Vray Light Lister.




Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0048_Layer_3_evermotion.jpg

As usual, we ised VrayPhysicalCamera. Camera settings on the right.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0047_Layer_4_evermotion.jpg

Simple floor plane.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0046_Layer_5_evermotion.jpg

Floor material.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0045_Layer_6_evermotion.jpg

Floor material - VrayDirt map.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0044_Layer_7_evermotion.jpg

Floor material - composite map.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0043_Layer_8_evermotion.jpg

Another view from viewport. You can see the table and a wall with dark wallpaper in the center, we'll look at it closer.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0042_Layer_9_evermotion.jpg

Wall with wallpaper material.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0041_Layer_10_evermotion.jpg

Wall material - multi/sub-object material.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0040_Layer_11_evermotion.jpg

Wall material.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0039_Layer_12_evermotion.jpg

Wallpaper material.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0038_Layer_13_evermotion.jpg

The table mesh.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0037_Layer_14_evermotion.jpg

We placed a glass top on a table.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0036_Layer_15_evermotion.jpg

Glass material.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0035_Layer_16_evermotion.jpg

The rest of table mesh is made of marble.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0034_Layer_17_evermotion.jpg

Bench mesh.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0033_Layer_18_evermotion.jpg

Bench material.



Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0032_Layer_19_evermotion.jpg

Bench material - VrayDirt settings.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0031_Layer_20_evermotion.jpg

Chair mesh close-up.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0030_Layer_21_evermotion.jpg

Single chair.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0029_Layer_22_evermotion.jpg

Chair material.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0028_Layer_23_evermotion.jpg

Chair material - vraydirt settings.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0027_Layer_24_evermotion.jpg

Chandelier mesh.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0026_Layer_25_evermotion.jpg

Chandelier mesh - close-up.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0025_Layer_26_evermotion.jpg

Chandelier material overview.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0024_Layer_27_evermotion.jpg

Chandelier material.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0023_Layer_28_evermotion.jpg

Chandelier brushed metal material.


Click on image to enlargeAI46SXX__0022_Layer_29_evermotion.jpg

Brushed metal VrayDirt.




Brushed metal VrayDirt: falloff map settings.



The pot bottom material.



Bulbs mesh.



The poster in wooden frame.



The poster material.



The poster frame material.



The poster material.



Metal elements mesh.



Metal elements material.



VrayDirt settings.



Vray Dirt settings.



Glossiness VrayDirt settings.



Diffuse color bitmap.



Render settings



Raw render.


Post-production in Photoshop.



Final image after post-production.


Author: Michał Franczak Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: archinteriors interior loft
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spikeyplanet 13:59:41  |  29-11-2016
Lovely, but I do prefer the raw render to the Photoshopped version.
valemex 14:55:35  |  15-01-2017
Ehi there, where did you find the vegetation? It's amaizing....I'm looking for the philodendron :)