This scene was created by Michał Horba from Evermotion. It's a scene one from Archexteriors vol. 46 - a collection of industrial lofts that will be available soon in Evermotion Shop (and official Evermotion resellers). It was rendered in V-Ray.
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The final scene after post-production.
Camera 1: post-production vs. raw render. Use slider to see the difference.

The scene in 3ds Max viewport.

The scene is lit by VraySun. Settings are on the right.

Vray lights covering windows are just light portals, letting sunlight in.

Vray Light Lister.
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As usual, we ised VrayPhysicalCamera. Camera settings on the right.
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Simple floor plane.
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Floor material.
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Floor material - VrayDirt map.
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Floor material - composite map.
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Another view from viewport. You can see the table and a wall with dark wallpaper in the center, we'll look at it closer.
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Wall with wallpaper material.
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Wall material - multi/sub-object material.
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Wall material.
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Wallpaper material.
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The table mesh.
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We placed a glass top on a table.
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Glass material.
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The rest of table mesh is made of marble.
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Bench mesh.
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Bench material.
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Bench material - VrayDirt settings.
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Chair mesh close-up.
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Single chair.
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Chair material.
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Chair material - vraydirt settings.
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Chandelier mesh.
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Chandelier mesh - close-up.
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Chandelier material overview.
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Chandelier material.
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Chandelier brushed metal material.
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Brushed metal VrayDirt.

Brushed metal VrayDirt: falloff map settings.

The pot bottom material.

Bulbs mesh.

The poster in wooden frame.

The poster material.

The poster frame material.

The poster material.

Metal elements mesh.

Metal elements material.

VrayDirt settings.

Vray Dirt settings.

Glossiness VrayDirt settings.

Diffuse color bitmap.

Render settings

Raw render.

Post-production in Photoshop.

Final image after post-production.