This exterior scene was created by Michał Horba from Evermotion in 3ds Max and V-Ray (check V-Ray prices in Evermotion Shop!). It is a part of Archexteriors vol. 30 collection. This collection consists of 10 exterior scenes with building templates. It's perfect to make fast exterior visualizations, placing your building model in ready to render environment with complete foliage, ground and surroundings - no need to spend precious time for making secondary elements in your visualization.
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Scene number five is placed in a forest environment with a concrete driveway. With this scene (
available here) you get dozens of trees and plants models. Natural lighting is provided by V-Ray Sun and Sky.
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The final render - camera 2.
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The final render - camera 3.
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Wireframe view - camera 1.
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Wireframe view - camera 2.
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Wireframe view - camera 3.
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As you can see, there are 8 layers of scattered plants and five layers of trees. The scattering was made with Forest Pack (if you are interested in
Forest Pack, more information is here).
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We have put a sky dome above the whole scene and a VraySun. Settings on the right.
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Sky dome with a material enabled in viewport.
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Sky dome material settings.
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Sky dome bitmap.
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The second bitmap that was used was a trees map wrapped on a cylinder.
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Trees bitmap - material settings.
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We used b&w map for opacity channel to exclude pixels above trees.
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Trees bitmap in diffuse slot.
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Ground plane.
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Ground plane material.
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Ground plane material - VrayDirt settings.
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We also have a driveway. This plane has a concrete material with holes.
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Driveway plane mesh. It was simply cut out of ground mesh and we assigned a separate material to it.
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Driveway material.
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Driveway material - bitmap for diffuse slot.
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Driveway material - VrayDirt settings.
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Ground plane with leaves layer enabled - leaves are scattered over the whole plane.
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Camera 1 settings.
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Camera 2 settings.
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Camera 3 settings.
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The building is a rather simple template mesh with a default material.
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We placed one rock and covered it with ground plane (with leaves and small plants scattered on top). You can see just beneath the building.
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VRay Proxy trees surrounding the scene.
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Vray Proxy trees - this time with faces mode enabled.
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All plants and trees in faces mode.
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Render settings.
RGB output and post-production comparison - camera 1.
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Post-production setup - camera 1. First, we made Curves layer for better contrast, then we added sharpening layer. We placed some some light shafts and fog (painting them in screen mode). Then we added render passes, atmosphere and vignette on top.
RGB output and post-production comparison - camera 2.
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Post-production - camera 2. sharpening, curves for increasing contrast, render passes for details, a slight fog and vignette on top.
RGB output and post-production comparison - camera 3.
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Post-production camera 3. Similar as in two previous examples: curves + sharpening, render passes, fog layer and vignette. Thanks for reading!
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