This scene was made by Marcin Białecki (Evermotion).
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This is a final image after post-production. This scene is fairly complex - there are hunderds of assets here, both inside and outside the house. We've filled the interior with many nice props.
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View from camera two. The scandinavian look is obvious even without "Take me to the fjords" frame.
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The ring outside with the distant map of trees and mountains. It's barely visible through window, but very usable once you get your camera outside the house.
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Ring bitmaps - we limited it to trees and mountains only, because we have our Vray Sky map in environment slot, so we don't want it to interfere with this bitmap. That's the reason we put opacity map here.
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Grass plane for our house.
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Grass material is pretty simple. We mixed some bitmaps for diffuse slot to achieve good level of detail and variation, we also placed bitmaps in reflection and displacement slots.
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3ds Max Viewport - camera 1.
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All those grey and brown boxes are of course Vray proxies of trees that are surrounding our house.
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Another proxy selected.
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The plot is very small comparing to trees area. We have a house here, but also driveway, some fence, garden area with a swing, etc.
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Other view of the house and a plot.
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VraySun parameters on the right.
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Wireframe view of the scene.
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Top view and camera settings.
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Walls of the building.
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Diffuse map of the walls.
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Walls material.
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Roof material.
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Under the roof we have our ceiling material.
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Very simple ceiling material.
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Another layer - wooden, white painted rafters supporting the ceiling.
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Rafters are a key element for rustical look of the interior.
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Vray Light Lister.
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Props inside and outside the house - some garden furniture, kitchen and living room props, bed and pillows, kitchen furniture, shelves, etc.
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We placed some rectangular VrayLights to add some light tocertain areas. Settings of the light beside the table are on the right.
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Vray Light settings.
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Vray Light settings.
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We have also some small IES lights. Settings on the right.
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Sink mesh.
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Sink multi-material.
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It looks like this when zoomed out.
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Sink: metal material settings.
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Sink - glass settings.
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Sink - mat metal settings.
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Sink - frozen glass material settings.
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More props - table is ready for family dinner.
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Wood logs.
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VraySky settings.
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Render settings.
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Raw render.
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Photoshop post-production. Highpass layer for sharpening. Then we add five render elements (all mixed with screen blending mode) to bring some details. Levels for greater contrast and color Balance layer for making overall image a bit colder. Vignette on top.
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Final render.
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Raw render - camera 2.
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Post-production - camera 2. Very similar workflow as with camera 1: sharpening, render elements in screen blending mode, a bit colder tone with Color Balance layer and vignette on top.
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Final render - camera 2.