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Making of Scandinavian Interior - Tip of the Week

Michał Franczak 2016-07-29 15:05 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > modeling

We are analyzing the 7th scene from upcoming Archinteriors vol. 45 collection.

This scene was made by Michał Horba from Evermotion. It comes from Archinteriors vol. 45 collection that will be available to pre-order on 2nd of August 2016.

Click on image to enlargeAI45_007_cam001_PP_evermotion.jpg

This is a final image after post-production - camera 1.




Click on image to enlargeAI45_007_cam002_PP_evermotion.jpg

This is a final image after post-production - camera 2.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0036_Layer_1_evermotion.jpg

The scene as seen through 3ds Max viewport (camera 1).


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0034_Layer_3_evermotion.jpg

VraySun settings - our main light source, two planes with projected buildings outside.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0033_Layer_4_evermotion.jpg

Our outside plane, close up.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0032_Layer_5_evermotion.jpg

Outside plane material.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0031_Layer_6_evermotion.jpg

Top view and camera 2 settings.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0030_Layer_7_evermotion.jpg

Top view, camera 1 settings.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0029_Layer_8_evermotion.jpg

Isometric view.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0028_Layer_9_evermotion.jpg

Vray Light Portals, buliding mesh and outside plane.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0027_Layer_10_evermotion.jpg

Vray Skylight Portal settings.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0026_Layer_11_evermotion.jpg

Building walls material.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0025_Layer_12_evermotion.jpg

Building walls material - Vraydirt settings.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0024_Layer_13_evermotion.jpg

Curtains mesh.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0023_Layer_14_evermotion.jpg

Curtains material.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0022_Layer_15_evermotion.jpg

Curtains material - falloff map 1.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0021_Layer_16_evermotion.jpg

Curtains material - falloff map 2.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0020_Layer_17_evermotion.jpg

Curtains material - falloff map 3.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0019_Layer_18_evermotion.jpg

Curtains material - falloff map 4.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0018_Layer_19_evermotion.jpg

Table and chairs close up.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0017_Layer_20_evermotion.jpg

Table material.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0016_Layer_21_evermotion.jpg

Table material VrayDirt settings.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0015_Layer_22_evermotion.jpg

Chair material.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0014_Layer_23_evermotion.jpg

Chair material - base settings.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0013_Layer_24_evermotion.jpg

Chair material - coat settings.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0035_Layer_2_evermotion.jpg

Floor material.



Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0012_Layer_25_evermotion.jpg

The second floor has a checker pattern material.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0011_Layer_26_evermotion.jpg

Checker floor material.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0010_Layer_27_evermotion.jpg

Checker floor material - white material settings.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0009_Layer_28_evermotion.jpg

Checker floor material - white material, VrayDirt settings.


Click on image to enlargeAI45S07__0008_Layer_29_evermotion.jpg

Checker floor material - wood material settings.


Click on image to enlargerender_settings_evermotion_6.jpg

Render settings.


Click on image to enlargeAI45_007_cam001_.RGB_color_evermotion.jpg

Raw render - camera 1.


Click on image to enlargeai45_cam1_ps_evermotion.jpg

Photoshop post-production. We sharpened image, used levels to make it a bit darker, then we added Vrayreflection and VraySpecular layers. On the top we added curves for greater contrast, VrayRefraction and vignette.


Click on image to enlargeAI45_007_cam001_PP_evermotion.jpg

Final render - camera 1.


Click on image to enlargeAI45_007_cam002_.RGB_color_evermotion.jpg

Raw render - camera 2.


Click on image to enlargeai45_cam2_ps.jpg

Photoshop post-production - camera 2. Two sharpening layers, color balance (more cyan and yellow), levels for increased contrast. Then we added color balance in the balcony door area to make them more blue. Then we placed three layers with render elements and a vignette.


Click on image to enlargeAI45_007_cam002_PP_evermotion.jpg

Final render - camera 2.


Author: Michał Franczak Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: archinteriors ai vol.45
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TVasconcelos 14:07:43  |  02-08-2016
This Tips of the Week are awesome but, what would be nice was a tutorial or a breakdown (step-by-step) of the actual building modeling, the all process of making the raw architecture. Please Evermotion, make this happen!!