This exterior is inspired by a evening view on Norfolk Street. In the middle of the scene you can see 100 Norfolk Street apartments building - an architectural masterpiece on the Lower Eastside of Manhattan. It is included in Archexteriors vol. 28 as scene 8. The scene was made in 3ds Max and rendered in V-Ray by Marcin Białecki (Evermotion).
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Final scene after post-production. You can see 100 Norfolk Street building on the right, busy shops and the street in the front. You can find real-world reference for this scene under this link:
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View from camera 1.
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Overview of the scene. There are many buildings in this scene, we will not cover them all in this tip, because it would become too long. Buildings are surrounded by a dome with a evening sky material.
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This scene is much larger than it seems - there are many buildings behind the camera that you will be able to use in your visualizations.
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The tall building mesh.
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Tall building is made of many elements. Altohugh it looks like 2d plane from camera perspective, it is actually fully completed model.
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Elements of tall building - from the left: side and back glass walls, interior floors, window framing and lights, front glass wall. There is a one more element not visible on this picture - a plane with a bitmap of night building windows. We will take a look at it later.
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Tall building - front glass wall material.
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Front glass material is a multi-material made of several variations of glass. Those sub-materials have different IDs and are assigned to different windows, to increase realism.
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Front wall material - one of glass windows material.
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Front wall material, continued.
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Front wall material, continued.
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Front wall material, continued.
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Front wall material, continued.
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Front wall mesh. You can see that different window tints were assigned to different windows. We cared only for windows that are visible to the camera, bottom windows are the same.
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Tall building - Framing mesh.
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Tall building - framing material.
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Tall building - floors.
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Tall building - floors material.
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Tall building - floors material, VrayDirt settings.
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Tall building - side and back walls.
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Side and back walls are not visible from this camera angle, so we used only one variation of glass material.
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Inside the building we also placed a plane with a night windows bitmap and many lights.
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Bitmap mesh.
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Bitmap material.
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A bitmap plane and lamps seen from another angle.
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Vray light lister.
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A dome seen from the bottom.
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Dome material.
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Far behind the buildings you can see two small planes, they have trees bitmaps assigned.
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Tree bitmap.
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Tree plane material.
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A building inspired by 100 Norfolk.
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We placed some trees models by the street.
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Other models.
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Main floor is made of two planes - one for the pavement and one for the street.
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Street plane.
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Street material.
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Street material - VrayDirt settings.
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We also placed some low poly cars.
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..and some commercial stands.
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The other buildings are made with the same principal - side and back walls, floors, framing and windows.
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100 Norfolk mesh.
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100 Norfolk elements.
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100 Norfolk close-up.
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The building is not empty. We placed some low-poly furniture in rooms.
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The furniture - close-up.
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Camera settings.
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Vray sky settings.
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Render settings.
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Raw render.
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Photoshop post-production. High-pass for sharpening, added specular, reflection and refraction layers. Curves layer for better contrast and hue / saturation alyer for increased overall saturation.
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Final render! Thanks for reading. We are aware that we haven't show all - this is a big scene, there are many elements and tweaks here that go beyond the scope of this short tip.
You will find this scene and 9 more inArchexteriors vol. 28 in Evermotion Shop: