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Guide to Evermotion Galleries

Michał Franczak 2014-05-26 10:11 article  > All

Everything you wanted to know about posting your works in Evermotion galleries.

Did you know that there are many galleries on Evermotion? And we are just introducing fourth one! We don't want you to get lost on our site, so we decided to celan things up and clarify a bit how does it all work.

Forum Galleries

We have currently five different forum galleries available for our users:

  • VISUALIZATION GALLERY - you can post here any finished arch-visualization works, but not single models.
  • 3D GALLERY - for posting models and all works that are not arch-visualizations
  • 2D GALLERY - you can post any 2d work (paintings, drawings, etc.)
  • GAME ART - for posting works that were meant for games
  • ANIMATIONS - for posting animations
  • WORK IN PROGRESS - you can post here unfinished works of any kind

But there is more than that. Every work posted in one of these galleries can be picked by Evermotion editor and put in Editors' Choice Gallery.

Editors' Choice Gallery

Editors' Choice Gallery  is the one which is the most frequently updated. We crawl through forums every business day and choose works that we find particulary interesting. After voting we decide if we put them in Editor's choice gallery and on the frontpage.

We also admit a badge to everyone who's work was published in Editor's Choice Gallery. The badge (a red shooting target) appears below profile avatar in forum threads and posts.


Best of Evermotion

The Holy Grail. This is the gallery of the best and the most awesome works ever posted on It is rarely updated, but if it is updated, you can be sure that it is worthy to remember the work and the author. The works in "Best of Evermotion" Gallery are chosen by editors. User that created work which was put in "Best of Evermotion" gallery receives a badge:



Author: Michał Franczak Editor: Michal Franczak
Tags: evermotion
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Rawalanche 10:00:48  |  29-05-2014
Did you know that Evermotion staff browses mostly only Visualization gallery, so it is almost always better to post even non-viz works in Visualization gallery if you want your work to be picked, because other galleries are mostly ignored?
dr_After 10:20:26  |  29-05-2014
@Rawalanche: I can assure you that Evermotion staff browses ALL galleries and ANIMATIONS section.
Rawalanche 10:40:10  |  29-05-2014
That is definitely not the experience i had for the past two years. There were lots of amazing images in 2D and 3D artworks section. Lot better than many of the mediocre interiors that made it onto the frontpage. Yet i haven't seen majority of those nice non-viz images make it to the frontpage ;)
dr_After 10:59:10  |  29-05-2014
@Rawalanche. Right now we have one work from 3d gallery and one from Animations that will be added to Editors' Choice soon, so there are not only interiors. But of course - the most of frontpage (Editors' Choice) works are interiors, because Visualization Gallery is the most often visited one and there are many works added each day in this section. I can only assure you once again that we browse all galleries, we will try to focus on them even more.
cgdigi 13:47:08  |  29-05-2014
this is a great idea guys. waiting for my badge.. lol
dr_After 15:38:06  |  29-05-2014
@cgdigi. Badges are coming soon :)
JO 7 09:05:34  |  10-06-2014
Hai sir, I am Anjo.Joseph loging as JO7.First thank You for selecting my work for frontpage & editors choice.It was my dream to won front page in evermotion.But I don't get that badge for my profile
landscape_arc 21:45:07  |  03-10-2015
Hi, I have not seen any places to give comments in visualization gallery , also I could not I post images in visualization gallery. If it is possible could you check for me. Thank you so much.
jackieteh 02:57:04  |  14-11-2015
Hi can use the editor choice badge on my online portfolio or website? if yes, from could i download the badge? thank you.
ARCH.ALAYOUBI 16:34:27  |  04-08-2016
editors choice icon doesn't appear under my avatar could you help please
ali shafiee 22:44:47  |  08-12-2016
hi there . please help me edit post ?i mean when post image to gallery how change or edit Description?
ali shafiee 22:44:51  |  08-12-2016
hi there . please help me edit post ?i mean when post image to gallery how change or edit Description?
dattrands 07:27:35  |  13-06-2017
I do not have the evermotion badge Editors' Choice Gallery
dattrands 07:29:05  |  13-06-2017
editors choice icon doesn't appear under my avatar could you help please
sach1n 08:33:58  |  30-03-2018
hi i havent got my editors choice badge..
ND3D 13:02:05  |  27-05-2018
Editors choice icon doesn't appear under my avatar could you help please. Thank.