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Making of Luxury House

Marcin Białecki 2018-10-23 09:28 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > modeling

We would like to introduce you this time breakdown of a scene 4 from Archinteriors vol. 51.

This interior is one of 5 interiors from Archinteriors vol. 51 collection which is available already.
We have made every effort to make these collections functional for everyone! No complicated Vray materials. Now 99% of models in our scenes are textured with PBR workflow. 

These are a final Vray images after post production.























This interior was inspired by a luxury chalet designed by Bo Design. This perfect home is located in Megeve, French Alps.



Viewport from selected cameras.



The scene is built of about 7,6 million polygons. During rendering, it takes about 32 GB of RAM. One render in 1400px resolution takes about 3 hours. But light cache counts quite quickly (about 10 minutes).



Zorb is a nice tool for managing the interior. You can use it to check which modifiers were applied and, for example: globally select only those models that have UV maps. And finally, the cool option is possibility of checking what materials are used in the scene.



You can also change the settings for all materials at once. It is very helpful if we want to change all reflections materials subdivision, or set all textures in Diffuse to 0.01. I recommend this tool!



This interior is composed of more than a hundred different models. They are mapped and ready to use on other projects. Below you will find a presentation of most of them.

Textured models:









Below you can see the renders of some models textured with Substance Painter (rendered in Iray).



Iray is a GPU accelerated path-traced renderer developed by Nvidia.



Thanks to Iray in Substance Painter you can quickly render models with proper lighting and reflections.







Camera settings



As in most of our scenes, we use V-Ray Sun & Sky system with portals in windows. 



You can download the V-Rray settings (VRAY PRESET)


Preview of textures used in the scene:



Additional renders:








Author: Marcin Białecki Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: interior archviz luxury archviz luxury switzerland switzerland
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cadian 12:09:03  |  24-10-2018
wow..this scene is really heavy loaded. Nice Work!
lukado 12:09:11  |  25-10-2018
Approximately, how many hours does it take to create this kind of scene with all the textures and setup?
mbialecki 08:20:20  |  26-10-2018
Hi Lukado! :) It takes many hours to make such a scene. This scene is 6 in one, you can say. There are 6 rooms (TV room, kitchen, dining room, terrace, hall with stairs, huge living room). It's an unusual scene, so it took me about 120 hours to make it. Is it a lot or a little time? ;)
mbialecki 08:33:00  |  26-10-2018
Hi Cadian! It is true! This scene is stuffed with nice props. Almost all of them are made in Substance Painter. Therefore, this time of making this scene has dramatically extended.
Impresspolska 09:07:39  |  26-10-2018
Substanced models look ver good but textures/materials used for them can not be applied to any other model. In many collections Evermotion prepared nice materials I could use in many new scenes. Substanced ones do not allow it. Therefore in incoming collections there should be a balance between open materials and dedicated.
mbialecki 14:19:37  |  26-10-2018
Hi Impresspolska! I remember those beautiful times when Shader was so complicated (Mix, Composite, Fallof, Color Correction, Mask ect), you had to really work hard to make something look nice. But today the world has moved on and many of us forgot how it was before. I understand you perfectly. But remember: "Standing still has killed many man" as Edward S. wrote. Therefore: "Come on, Bruno, let's go for a beer";) greetings :)
Impresspolska 15:19:59  |  29-10-2018
Hello mbialecki ! Therefore my post was not a complaint - I love to work in Substance Painter and I see that period of squared textures has gone. Now I transfer meshes to SP directly from Marvelous Designer, 3dsmax enjoying final effects. But if Evermotion could keep on adding to collections some cool large plasters, walls etc that would be great. Just for balance.
royaltar 11:42:01  |  13-02-2019
aqeelahmed 12:41:55  |  23-02-2019
Hi this is amazing i am also 3d visualizer but i can do kind of this scene would help me.
kidakadi 09:55:01  |  27-02-2019
very nice Screen .. the background outsite is that just planes wih BG texture on?
mbialecki 09:57:17  |  04-04-2019
kidakadi - Exacly :)