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Evermotion ArchViz Training vol. 2 promotional video

Evermotion 2013-11-19 11:00 article  > All

A sneak peek of ArchViz Training vol.2 - a second part of Evermotion best-selling visualization tutorial by Jakub Dabrowski.

You can watch this video in our You Tube channel

In over 10 hours of narrated videos you will learn everything you need to produce stunning renderings. Archviz vol. 2 covers modeling, creating materials, setting up lights and cameras, useful tips and tricks and postproduction.

This tutorial will show you the exact process of creating  professional interior scene from scratch, using 3ds max and V-ray rendering engine. You can buy this tutorial here: Archviz Training vol. 2.

Tutorial Contains:

  1. Modeling
    - Interior modeling - 1h 14 min
    - Kitchen island modeling  - 1h 35 min
    - Curtains modeling  - 8 min
    - Sofa Part 1 modeling - 1h 47min
    - Sofa part 2 modeling - 29 min
    - Chair modeling and creating materials  - 1h 43 min
    - Coffee table modeling - 1h 23 min
    - Lamp modeling - 25 min
    - Carpet modeling - 24 min
    - Prop modeling - 37 min
  2. Lighting setup
    - Lights setup and HDRI setup & Vray render settings - 22 min
  3. Postproduction
    - Postprocessing in Adobe Photoshop 1 - 11 min
    - Postprocessing in Adobe Photoshop 2 - 28 min
    - Postprocessing in Adobe After Effects - 10 min
Author: Evermotion Editor: Michal Franczak
Tags: archviz
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Nicolas Jouslin 14:06:32  |  19-11-2013
where is autocad file to beginig interior modeling ?
dr_After 14:21:33  |  19-11-2013
@soosh - we will add this file soon (today).
martta 15:35:00  |  19-11-2013
@soosh - we have added autocad drawing to "scene" files. You can download it from your customer zone. You can also send me your order number ([email protected]) and I will send you this file by email.
öjung 08:42:00  |  20-11-2013
On startup it says you need forestpack pro, whats that?
martta 08:55:34  |  20-11-2013
@rakiet - nasi resellerzy mają prawo do ustalania własnych cen i promocji
NachoLorene 10:39:26  |  20-11-2013
Does the tutorial is in Spanish?
martta 11:41:46  |  20-11-2013
@NachoLorene - no, there is only English version of Archviz
lylemills 14:14:08  |  21-11-2013
OK tutorials series. But too much time spent on modelling things. Many things in the scene not shown how to model like white side table with table cloth on top. What about adding tutorials on making the materials/shaders like in the first video series? You only give one on the wishbone chair. First series was much better and more complete.
bartholomews 20:35:28  |  21-11-2013
Considering this tutorial description in the list of contents, the tutorial files has missed some files, * the Lamp Modelling, a 25 min video, and the *dwg file obviously. and just to add something to lylemills comment, yes, this tutorial lacks some in important workflow information to make justice to the first but by far better volume 1.
vel 22:29:57  |  21-11-2013
@bartholomews we have already added lamp video and splines for the interior because we missed them in the first upload to the server by mistake. @lylemills we wanted to add more things but videos length combined were already at about 11 h and adding materials would cost us so much more time and could make impact on the tutorial price. I agree that there are maybe too much modelling videos and we will definitely focus more on the mapping/texturing in the next tutorials. Thanks for your feedback.
zorro 04:08:24  |  23-11-2013
is it on APPS store like the first one?
martta 09:25:05  |  25-11-2013
@zorro Archviz Training vol. 2 is not available in App Store.
kkhakla 07:12:59  |  27-11-2013
I do not have access to free mua.ban can give me all this material to my learning. gmail: [email protected]. thank you!
robdesign 11:40:02  |  28-11-2013
sRGB buton is not "on" in the vray frame buffer. Usualy it is on on scenes using linear 2.2 workflow. Can you give a small explanation why it is not on? Please
jonesthesteam 21:26:57  |  28-11-2013
how many of the props in the scene are included in the project files?
DesignConcept 19:17:28  |  29-11-2013
I guys i Bought the DVD, how do I turn the textures on in the viewport?
vel 13:18:29  |  04-12-2013
@kkhakla I have no idea what mua.ban is. Could you explain ? @robdesign sRGB button is only for the preview purposes in frame buffer, when you are using "don't afect colors" in color mapping. Otherwise you will se framebuffer with gamma 1.0. I'm not using "don't afect colors" option, because it also locks your color mapping to linear. I wanted to decrease overburned areas so I decided to use Reinhard. The only advantage of using don't affect colors is that id does not bake gamma 2.2 into your image and you can adjust this in post processing. @jonesthesteam : Project files contain whole scene with all the models.
knish 12:20:42  |  09-12-2013
Good morning, I suggest You to highliths that isn't any video about material. I read "...You'll learn everything you need to produce stunning renderings: modelling, creating materials, light and camera setup, useful tips&tricks and post-production. You will also get the project files - complete interior scene (for V-ray with 3ds max) with all the materials, cameras and lighting setup." It appears like a scam. I was nearly to bui it, but i will wait materials tutorials. thank You
martta 13:29:01  |  11-12-2013
@knish - there is a video about creating materials in this tutorial, included in "Modeling Wishbone Chair". Everyone can check what is included in this tutorial as table of content is available above. We updated the description due to your suggestion to make it even more clear. It is not our purpose to hide information about the content of this tutorial.
ze3dboy 22:08:30  |  03-01-2014
Hello ! I can not find the sofa blueprints in the Archviz vol.2 training to follow along the modeling video. Please, can you tell me whether they are provided with this tutorial ? Thanks a lot for your help !
iblis 03:53:21  |  10-01-2014
on the modelling kitchen island , how do you achieve quad chamfer result ? i tried it and chamfering edges after first result will result in triangular faces
yunga-007 12:49:27  |  05-02-2014
Good afternoon. I bought your lesson "The Archviz Training vol. 2", and I had some questions. Can I ask them and how to do it. Can write to the post office?   You can write in Russian or English only?
Farzad-3D 09:23:34  |  11-02-2014
Hi there Where can I find the blueprints for the "Sofa" to start with? Thanks
razorskate 21:03:01  |  17-03-2014
please, where can I find the chat sofa dwg ?
moh_nabeel 11:05:03  |  29-03-2014
how can i view material in view port because currently if add an object in the model i can see the materials in the viewport
w36048 13:03:33  |  07-04-2014
please, where can I find the chat sofa dwg
ForgeArch 17:50:02  |  11-04-2014
Ok, going through the creation of the interior and have reached the stage where I am creating the chair for the kitchen. I have modelled the legs, but now when modelling the chair back the video merges an already existing spline chair leg object from another file in order to make the back... Where is that model in the project files? How do I follow along if I don't have all the resources needed?!
Arvinski 02:26:06  |  05-06-2014
can I download all the video tutorials or I will just watch it online?
sebastien_sebstck 18:16:36  |  10-09-2014
Hey guys, I ve just been through the first video : interior modelling. Being completely new to 3ds max, it would have been handy to have the hotkeys show up when used (ie make poly editable, Front view = F, wireframe view... you got the point). Good way to learn. Regarding the modelling itself, i still have the feeling i could model this scene 10 times faster and 10 times more precisely on sketchup. I was pulling my hair to see how 3ds max is not made for those simple tasks. For arch viz, i think that people use more and more sketchup (ie guthrie, ronen etc etc). What would have been interesting for this tutorial is to see the workflow how to import a sketchup base model and tweak from there on 3ds. those are my first toughts. I continue to the second video.
perigoso777 22:06:28  |  26-09-2014