This scene is a part of our Archinteriors vol. 42 collection. It is available in Evermotion Shop. You can purchase this single scene or entire Archinteriors vol. 42 collection (5 loft scenes). This scene was made by Evermotion.
This scene was rendererd in 3ds Max and V-Ray 3. Check V-Ray prices in our shop.
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Final image after post-production - camera 1.
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Final image after post-production - camera 2.
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3ds Max viewport, camera 1.
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3ds Max viewport, camera 1, materials and objects color enabled (the options in the top right corner).
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Overview of the scene.
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We modeled the whole 2-floor building.
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Building mesh.
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Building mesh, close-up.
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Building walls and ceiling material - vrayBlendMat with two submaterials with different tint, blended with VrayDirt map.
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Walls and ceiling material - base material.
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Walls and ceiling material - coat material.
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Walls and ceiling material - VrayDirt settings.
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Walls and ceiling material - EdgesTex settings in the bump slot.
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Walls and ceiling material - reflect map.
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Without walls and the furniture we have doors, floors, windows, stairs, railing and joists.
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Floor - close-up.
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Floor material, VrayMtl settings.
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Floor material - we used Composite node to bledn two bitmaps.
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Floor material - original diffuse map.
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Floor material - falloff map settings.
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Windows mesh.
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Window glass material.
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Window frame material.
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A rail mesh.
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Rail - close up.
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Rail - glass material.
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Rail - close-up 2.
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Railing material.
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Railing material - noise settings.
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Stairs mesh - close-up.
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Stairs material - VrayBlendMtl.
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Stairs material - VrayMtl (base material) settings.
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Stairs material - coat material settings.
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Stairs material - VrayDirt settings.
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Some furniture and props.
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Small glass - model is simple, we added detail with texture.
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Bitmap in displacement slot gives a bit of decoration for a glass.
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Round carpet mesh.
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Round carpet material.
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Bitmap, visible outside the window.
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Bitmap material.
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Camera 1 settings.
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Camera 2 settings.
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Camera 2 placement.
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There are a lot of lights in this scene. Main source of light is VraySun and VraySky, but we have many decorative lights (stairs, upper floor, etc).
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Complete VrayLight listing.
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Main window - Vray skylight portal and Vray light.
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Vray light for stronger light from a window that's front of the camera.
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Vray light simple portal.
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VraySun settings.
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VraySky settings.
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Render settings.
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Raw render - camera 1.
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Photoshop post-production - camera 1.First, there is a highpass filter layer above RGB layer. It sharpens the image. then we overlayed (5%) VrayTotalLighting. the bottom of the image was a bit dark, so we added another VrayTotalLighting instance with gradient mask that affected only bottom of the image. then there is one disabled layer and correction layers. Firts hue / saturation layers desaturates the floor, another affects table top and stairs (desaturation), Levels 1 - make stairs darker, Levels 2 - overal image contrast increase. Color balance layer - more cyan, less red. VrayReflection (screen, 20%) on the top.
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Final image after post-production - camera 1.
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Raw render - camera 2.
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Photoshop post-production - camera 2. highpass layer for increased sharpness, VRayReflection layer (soft light, 26%), color balance increasing magenta, another one similar, but affecting edges if the image, lighting layer with a mask to make certain areas brighter.
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Final image after post-production - camera 2. Thanks for reading! :)