Archinteriors vol. 59 is the collection of ten high quality modern interiors released recently by Evermotion. Each scene is made with a few camera angles and is prepared in 3ds Max, Cinema4D and FBX and OBJ formats. Today we are looking at scene number one. It is available as the part of Archinteriors vol. 59 collection, you can also purchase it separately or subscribe to Evermotion Pass subscription service and get it for your Subscription credits.
This is how the scene looks in 3ds Max viewport.
VraySun settings
VraySky settings.
Overview of the whole scene - background planes
Background planes objects have "Cast shadows" option turned off, so they not interfere with VraySun light.
Simple portals in windows assure fast render speed and no artificial color casting from outside.
The mesh of the building.
Building mesh - wireframe
Material for walls, floors and ceiling
VrayIPR render in 3ds Max viewport.
VrayFur settings.
Base of the carpet.
Camera settings
Camera settings
Camera settings
Camera settings
Vray Light lister - we included a couple of lights in the lampshades.
Thanks for reading! You can get Archinteriors vol. 59 collection in Evermotion Shop.