This is a fifth scene from Archinteriors for UE4 vol. 5 collection, consisting of five architectural visualization scenes for Unreal Engine 4.
This is a view from Unreal Engine with all icons on (editing mode). We placed many light sources in the scene and many reflection capture spheres too. The scene is rather big (over 4GB), but it contains many meshes, two floors, etc.
This scene contains 229 meshes, 225 materials and 613 textures.
Unlit mode - only diffuse textures. It's an useful mode for checking if your textures are not oversaturated.
Detail lighting mode. Ther only color comes from lighting.
Upper level of the house with a subtle lighting.
The building is surrounded by Post Process Volume. We will look into post-process settings later.
Another interior shot.
...and one more. All shots are taken directly from Unreal Engine 4.
A lower floor.
The floor is divided to several smaller meshes, so we can achieve bigger texture resolution.
Floor material - instance material based on master material. We exposed several parameters, so we can tweak our materials in engine. Textures were prepared in Substance Painter.
Floor base material. It's rather simple - we use some Multiply nodes for controlling intensity of our textures.
Floor base material - continued.
Lightbulb mesh. In case of small meshes, like this lightbulb lamp, we used one texture set for many materials - in this case metal, glass and emissive wire materials are placed in one texture set.
Bulb material. It contains the most of settings of other materials, but we also have an emissive node and intensity parameters (Emissive brightness and Multiply node).
Directional light settings. We set intensity to 8.0 (quite high), the most of the settings were left at their default states.
Directional light: we tweaked light shaft occlussion and bloom settings, to increase realism and film look of the scene.
Directional light- the last settings we've changd was "use area shadows for static objects" which give us the soft shadows look in the scene.
BP LightStudio settings - we placed HDRI in the slot and tweaked its settings a bit. We disabled sunlight in this element.
BP LightStudio: we also disabled atmosphere, the rest settings are at default.
BP LightStudio has also settings for subelements, like Skylight. We increased intensity and cubemap resolution of the skylight.
BP LightStudio- exponential height fog settings, at default.
PostProcess Volume settings: a lot of subtle changes in Color grading to achieve the final tone of the scene.
PostProcess Volume: a bit tweaked film settings, added some chromatic abberation, disabled automatic exposure (Min and Max Brightness are on the same value: 1.0). disabled lens flares.
PostProcess Volume: quite strong vignette and a bit of grain.
PostProcess Volume: ambient occlussion settings, we increased overal brightness of the scene by setting "Indirect Intensity" to 1.5,
Changes in Project settings: reflection capture resolution is set to 1024.
Changes in Project settings: Gbuffer format is set to High Precision Normals, which gives better reflections quality.