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Making of Open Space Office - Tip of the Week

Michał Franczak 2016-10-27 14:57 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > modeling

This open space office comes from Archinteriors vol. 40. It's scene 6.

Open-space offices are common for all world regions. The one made by Jarosław Kościański (from Evermotion) is rather typical open space, with an accent in the form of green wall. We have all the goodies here: pipes under the ceiling, reminding of loft origins of the room, white finish, minimalistic furniture and lightwood elegant floor.

You can buy 10 office scenes as Archinteriors vol. 40 collection directly from Evermotion Shop. you can also buy only the scene 6 that is a subject of this tip. the scene was prepared for V-Ray. Check V-Ray prices in Evermotion Shop.

Click on image to enlargeAI40_006_PP_evermotion.jpg

This scene isn't too complicated. We have light interior with an accent - green wall on the right. We placed many office props inside (chairs, computers, boxes, etc.). the simplicity of the furniture is put against fancy columns that stand in the middle of the room.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0027_Layer_0_evermotion.jpg

3ds Max viewport.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0025_Layer_2_evermotion.jpg

The scene is lit with VraySun. Settings are on the right.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0024_Layer_3_evermotion.jpg

Wireframe view - camera 1.


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The scene viewed from top.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0022_Layer_5_evermotion.jpg

Vray Camera settings. We used 18mm focal length to catch more of the interior in the frame. The rest of the settings is pretty standard.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0021_Layer_6_evermotion.jpg

wall material settings.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0020_Layer_7_evermotion.jpg

Wall material - VrayDirt map settings.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0019_Layer_8_evermotion.jpg

Floor mesh generated with floor generator.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0018_Layer_9_evermotion.jpg

Floor material consists of seven Vray materials that vary a bit with color to give some randomness for planks.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0017_Layer_10_evermotion.jpg

Floor material settings.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0016_Layer_11_evermotion.jpg

Floor plane with a texture in viewport.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0015_Layer_12_evermotion.jpg

Props also are not very complicated, but they do not need to be fancy - we need functional office furniture. We hid the walls on this image, that's the reason that doors stand in the air ;)


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0014_Layer_13_evermotion.jpg

We also included some binders cabinet.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0013_Layer_14_evermotion.jpg

there are many photometric lights beneath the ceiling. Settings are in VrayLightLister.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0012_Layer_15_evermotion.jpg

One of the lamps with a VrayLight inside.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0011_Layer_16_evermotion.jpg

VrayIES parameters.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0010_Layer_17_evermotion.jpg

Dismantled model.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0009_Layer_18_evermotion.jpg

Green wall material.


Click on image to enlargeAI40S06__0008_Layer_19_evermotion.jpg

Green wall material - VrayDirt settings.



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Render settings.



  • AI40_006_Raw_evermotion.jpgAI40_006_PP_evermotion.jpg


Raw render vs. image after post-production.


Click on image to enlargephotoshop.JPG

Post-production: High-pass filter with value 0,5 for sharpening. Curves for increased contrast, Color balance (more blue in midtones and shadows), Levels for decreasing contrast before adding render layers that bring out the details.

Click on image to enlargeAI40_006_PP_evermotion.jpg

Final image, after post-production.


You can buy 10 office scenes as Archinteriors vol. 40 collection directly from Evermotion Shop. you can also buy only the scene 6 that is a subject of this tip. the scene was prepared for V-Ray. Check V-Ray prices in Evermotion Shop.


Author: Michał Franczak Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: office interior space open tip
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