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What is a Perfect Getaway? Is it a place, an adventure, the paradise island or a hut in the snowy mountains? Maybe it is a cosy small interior reminding your childhood dreams or a starship travelling in outer space? We ask you to unleash your imagination for Evermotion Challenge 2017. We ask for a scene that tells a story.
Our jury will choose winners according to brillance of an idea and technical quality of the project. Register now, you can submit your work later at any time till 16th of January 2018! Submission should consist of one final image and at least three work in production images.
Image: Hunters House 5 by Micael Dillner
Register now, you can submit your work later at any time till 16th of January 2018!
1st Place:
- 1000 euro from Evermotion
- 5 Evermotion collections (worth €600)
- Chaos Group V-Ray license for 1 year
- Corona Renderer license for 2 years
- R&D: Multiscatter license and MadCar license
- Pulldownit license for 3ds Max or Maya
- iToo Forest Pack and Railclone Bundle for 3 years
- Rebusfarm RenderPoints worth €600
- TopoGun license
- Foxrenderfarm credits worth €500
- GarageFarm credits worth €600
- Renderbuzz renderpoints worth €500
- Book: 3D Photorealistic Rendering: Interiors & Exteriors with V-Ray and 3ds Max by Jamie Cardoso
Image: Rabit Snore Gorge by DCLAW12.
Register now, you can submit your work later at any time till 16th of January 2018!
2nd Place:
- €750 in cash from Evermotion
- 5 Evermotion collections of winner's choice
- Chaos Group V-Ray license for 1 year
- Corona Renderer license for 1 year
- R&D: Multiscatter license and MadCar license
- Pulldownit Pro for 3d Max or Maya (395 euro)
- itoo Forest Pack or RailClone 1 year subscription, worth 320€
- TopoGun Single License ($100)
- Rebusfarm RenderPoints worth €300
- Fox RenderFarm Rendering Credits – 300 euro
- GarageFarm credits worth €400
- RenderBuzz renderpoints worth €300
- 3D Photorealistic Rendering: Interiors & Exteriors with V-Ray and 3ds Max Book by Jamie Cardoso
Image: "Waiting for you" by Konstantinos Anninos
Register now, you can submit your work later at any time till 16th of January 2018!
3rd Place
- €500 in cash from Evermotion
- 5 Evermotion collections of winner's choice
- Corona Renderer license for 6 months - 149.94 Euro
- V-Ray license for a year
- One MultiScatter license ( 200 euro)
- iToo Forest Pack or RailClone 1 years subscription, worth 220€
- TopoGun Single License ($100)
- Rebusfarm RenderPoints worth €200
- RenderBuzz renderpoints worth €200
- GarageFarm credits worth €200
- Fox RenderFarm Rendering Credits – 200 euro
- 3D Photorealistic Rendering: Interiors & Exteriors with V-Ray and 3ds Max Book by Jamie Cardoso
Image: Japanese Room by Aref Razavi
Each winner of One of three Awards (1st, 2nd and 3rd Award) will get:
- TopoGun licence
- Evermotion collection
- Book: 3D Photorealistic Rendering: Interiors & Exteriors with V-Ray and 3ds Max by Jamie Cardoso
Image: "Her Eventual Hesistation" by Marek Denko
Register now, you can submit your work later at any time till 16th of January 2018! Good luck!
Evermotion Team