From among a number of render engines Author had chosen, to acquaint us with, the mental ray. The one integrated with 3ds Max from 1999.
Following this rule:
"As digital artists, we are constantly playing a delicate balancing act between rendering speed and rendering quality. In order to be effective at such task, we need to understand some theory behind the complex mental ray render engine.",
Brian Smith clarifies enough information " feel comfortable with the program and be efficient with our work". Although dedicated to beginners, help to systematize even advanced users knowledge.
Mental Ray - lighting methods
In the book we will find many more techniques that enhance our skills in creating visualizations of higher quality, such as unwrap UVW modifier and post-production process, critical in creating animations and visualizations. Especially the first and third issue I find fundamental to every CG artist. Without this knowledge we won't create properly a texture map to a simple piece of furniture, not to mention more complex, even organic models. Also some Photoshop techniques discussed in he book will help us reach good results in a relative small amount of time.
A beginner to architectural visualization sector will surely find invaluable the animation process describe. Here you will find gathered together: questions that has to be asked to a client, price negotiating rules and whole visualization creating process pipeline.
Photoshop techniques - the paste-into feature