This scene is not very complicated, but there are some small tricks that make it special. First - it is rather small office space, so we used Vray camera with small focal length. To lighten this small interior, we used not only light sources but also atmospheric effects (Vray fog) that give this perfect "lazy-afternoon" mood. A lot of high quality props were used to achieve "artistic mess". Finally we put some cars and buildings on the other side of the street, to set the scene in a city. So, despite that the scene is small in cubic meters, it contains a lot of different objects that make it believable.
The scene was made by Ireneusz Jaworski from Evermotion and it is a part of our newest Archinteriors vol. 33 collection.
This scene was modeled and set with 3DS Max and rendered with V-Ray (check V-Ray price in our shop). And this is how it looks like after post production.
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This is final image after post production
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And this is a complete scene - rounded plane, main building on the left, two aditional buildings on the right, two cars (one is invisible from this point of view) and an additional plane for street map.
Gamma set to 2.2
System units
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The building behind the window is not close to the camera, so we used a very simple model
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Taxi on the other side of the street
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The other car is put just in front of the building, near main entrance
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Another angle of interior
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Interior from the top view
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There is a number of lamps in the scene, but since it is a daylight scene, we didn't put any light sources inside them.
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Curtain material is rather simple - it is a VRay material with fall off map in refraction slot.
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Curtain - fall off map settings
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Chair material - wood (maps)
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Lighting is not very complicated. there are three light sources in the scene. Target light, dome light and additional Vray Light (plane) in the window. On the right you have target light settings.
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Additional light settings
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Two instances of VrayEnvironmentFog were used in the scene to give the effect of dust lit by sun rays
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VrayPhysicalCamera with short (12mm) focal length.
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Render element: VrayAtmosphere
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Post production in Photoshop
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First, we added some highpass sharpen filter
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Next step: levels correction
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Then we added reflections layer
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And another glow blur layer
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Photoshop layer stack. Photoshop file is included with the scene.
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