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Making of Bullet hits an egg

Hammer Chen 2008-06-16 00:00 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > animation





Hammer Chen was born in 1980 in Taiwan. He has liked painting and doing 'art stuff' since he was very young. At school, there were three teachers who had a great influence on Hammer's interest in art. Two of them were true painters who inspired Hammer and taught him both artistic concepts and skills.

Hammer majored in Aquaculture in National Taiwan Ocean University, and after college, he went to Yang-Ming Medical University. After two years of hard studying Neuroscience, he got a Master degree plus two scientific papers published. Now, he works in the Autodesk local reseller --- Gemhorn Inc. as a technical director. In his free time, he likes to play FPS shooting games, listen to songs, and surf the Internet. His daily use of 3D software is a childhood dream comes true.

Author: Hammer Chen
Country: Taiwan


Author: Hammer Chen
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