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3dsmax: Leather in vray

Zed 2005-09-22 00:00 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > texturing

Welcome. Many of you are asking how to make good looking leather. So I prepared small tutorial that shows simple way how to make this kind of material.

I will show it on scene from Archmodels Vol.5's cover. At first, we must set up our material. Lets make vray material and set all up like on pic.

Now into bump slot put properly prepared texture with leather's pattern (i shared some for example).

Next you must apply material to model. And in bump's material turn on "Show Material in Viewport", it will help you with making properly mapping.

Now sellect our model and add UVW Mapping modifier with Box mapping type - this is mostly enough.

After render you should have material that looks like on renders below.

B. Regards
Evermotion team

I want buy Vray renderer
I want buy Archmodels collection
Author: Zed
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Ethen 10:23:27  |  08-05-2011
Oh,it's a good tutorial
AnLed 05:27:37  |  28-05-2011
This is really helpful. Thanks. I wonder if you can tell me how to do this in wood. I like to mimic old furniture colours... when making furniture it usually start with a colour panel that is made by spraying different paints on a wood panel and making texture on that wood panel... how can i apply these wood panel on my model? I tried to take a picture of it first but don't know how to proceed..? Please help? Thanks a lot..
xuanhai_0272007 17:09:28  |  06-08-2011
Tuyệt vời! xin vui lòng gửi cho tôi tập tin của bạn, [email protected], cảm ơn bạn!
xuanhai_0272007 17:10:34  |  06-08-2011
Great! please send me your file, [email protected], thanks you
villy2 16:26:03  |  09-10-2011
very good !! can you send me the file please? [email protected] thank you
pfpf911 07:36:49  |  29-11-2011
hungnk 19:17:57  |  17-12-2011
wonderful lesson, pls sent me your file [email protected] thanks so much
vincentbacudio 13:28:15  |  07-03-2012
thats great :) it will help me..idol pls send me in my email. a technique about editing material..
vincentbacudio 13:29:31  |  07-03-2012
can you send me a file..about technique in max
luofei1987 16:24:28  |  13-04-2012
[email protected] thank you!
mamad73 09:32:47  |  09-08-2012
great thanks evermotion
b_arch_5 13:28:35  |  29-11-2012
Great.please send me your [email protected]
bahgat 14:40:36  |  12-01-2013
tanks for all the team and for every things
hankl 14:55:34  |  11-06-2013
Very nice! Can you send me a copy of file Max (save archive) to [email protected]. Thanks a lot !
ejazz 05:45:08  |  20-06-2013
Nice tutorial. Tried it out but didn't work that well for me. May I request for this file to be sent to [email protected] ? Thanks
leather goods in spain 19:28:46  |  15-09-2014
Oh,it's a good tutorial