In 3ds max those files, which discribe intensity of the light in 3d dimension, are loaded into photometric lights. As you probably know Maxwell doesn't have its own lights - each light must be made by your own. When we have to make simply area light - it is an easy thing. We just create plane and assign light shader to it. But it is much harder with IES files. We can't load them to Maxwell's emiters - but...Maxwell is based on physics of natural light so lets try to make it not by IES files but rendering.
1. Below you can find setup ofour light - floor, ceiling, 2 walls and of course a lamp (this was taken from our
Archmodels vol. 12)
2. This are shaders setup - wall, lamp cover made from plastic, inside of the lamp reflecting light and bulb.
3. Now we have to assign shaders and without any changes click render button.

4. After a moment we get our resoults.

5. Now, lets turn caustic on - but only for reflections, and render again.

6. And that's the result.

7. Some of the lamps has got lenses - we will try to simulate it. We make a sphere, next we scale it to correct side and position in correct place.
8. We create and assign glass shader.

9. We turn on all options in caustic menu and start render.

10. And that is our final result - nice TRUE IES light that comes from light physics.

B. Regards
Evermotion Team