This scene comes from the fresh collection of restaurant interiors that we released in the second half of 2018.
The camera view in 3ds Max viewport.
The scene overview - the scene consists of typical elements: V-Ray Sun, main building mesh, light portals, floor and image plane for outside view.
Image background with outside view.
VrayLightMaterial for background
V-Ray sun settings.
this interior has glazed walls so we used two big light portals.
External and internal ceiling meshes.
Ceiling mesh material. All materials were created with Substance Tools.
Bottom side of the ceiling mesh with cuts for halogen lights..
Restaurant interior. It's well lit with many ceiling light sources nad light coming through light portals. Part of ceiling is made from metal cylinder shapes, like old pots.
Lightbulb light settings.
Additional light for accenting top part of the column.
Light settings.
Columns are made of concrete and covered with wooden panels.
Wooden panels (isolated view)
Wooden panels material.
Metal cylinders mesh.
Metal cylinders material.
Metal cylinders - close up (GIF)
Floor mesh is made from an array of separate wooden panel sets.
Wooden panel set - close up.
Floor material.
Camera 1 settings
Camera 2 settings.
there is various furniture in the scene. All modeled in 3ds Max, unwrapped and then textured in Substance Painter.
Furniture mesh close up.
Armchair material.
Table material.
Hanging panels mesh.
Render settings.
Final render - camera 1
Final render- camera 2