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Top 5 Vray Workshop

Evermotion 2013-04-09 15:47 article  > 3ds MAX

Evermotion presents, Vray Workshop Principal artist group online on Facebook. Evermotion is pleased to announce a partnership with Vray Workshop group.

Evermotion presents, Vray Workshop Principal artist group online on Facebook. Evermotion is pleased to announce a partnership with Vray Workshop group. We invite everyone to be a part of this group and post your best works there.
Vray Workshop group provides exclusive tutorials, models, textures done by its members.
Every week Vray Worshop chooses 5 TOP works.TOP 5 this week presented by Vray Workshop and Evermotion are (in alphabetical order):
James Burrell
Judges 09/04/2013:
Author: Evermotion Editor: dr_After
Tags: vray
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