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Easy De-Lighting in Unity

Unity 2017-10-26 11:54 tutorial  > Unity  > texturing

Unity will help you making good quality photogrammetry textures.

Unity 3D is not only a game engine, it is software that is equipped with many useful tools even if you don't plan to use it in your visualizations or games. One of them is de-lighting tool that can be used to remove unnecesary highlights / shadows from your scanned texture. After de-lighting your diffuse texture will look good no matter of lighting conditions you put your model in.

De-lighting tool requires additional textures to work with - ambient occlussion, bent normals (or object space normals) and normal map. You can prepare them in other software (like Blender, Substance Painter, xNormal, etc.). The process of delighting is automatic. check out tutorial below:



Author: Unity Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: unity
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