The Unity Demo Team grabbed an early internal build with the SSRR and took it for a spin to see how it would behave. They also wanted to see how an architectural interior would look in Unity and what level of visual quality they could get from our latest technology. Here is a video preview of the result. Unity uses Evermotion scene 06 from Archinteriors vol. 35.
In this scene, the Demo Team implemented a simple interface that allows you to change colour and textures of some objects. For the additional textures of floors and wallpapers, they used again an online library.
Setting up the lighting in Unity is quite simple: an environment HDR cubemap for the exterior, directional light for the sun, and a spot light in each lamp. This was rather straightforward, but it also brought up the need for lightprobe cages. The feature is now in development to go properly into Unity. Lightprobe cages allow for transferring lighting information to large dynamic objects, or in cases where baked lightmaps cannot be used.
You will find more info about using this scene in Unity player on Unity Blog.