This render is the 1st in its class, no other renderers currently have this technology. The render produce crisp and physically correct images, Maxwell have the capacity to rendercomplex scenes and it produce automatically phenomenons from the nature such as caustics. It also have physically acurate skylight, it means you can choose a city and maxwell make apropiate light and conditions of the location. Maxwell is still in alpha stage and its currents features are impressive for this development time.

Options available in Maxwell:
- global illumination;
- spectral light properties;
- non biased renderer;
- motion blur;
- simulation of complex caustics;
- objets light emitters;
- physical sky.

Here is my list of good things and bad thigs in current maxwell version:
+ you can set the time you want to spend on rendertime;
+ very few parameters to control;
+ unbiased;
+ light colors from uv to infrared;
+ automatic caustics;
+ no max light emmiters now objets emights light like it should be;
+ correct camera - DOF its always there and model of camera have f-stop shutter and bokeh effects it affects the brightness of the final image like it should be;
+ materials models are correct from glass to metal;
+ volumetric fog and halos;
- a bit noise and hard to preview results;
- materials need more control and more shaders needed;
- displacement;
- no HDRi support.
Best Regards,
Zuliban & Evermotion Team