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Human characters in architectural visualizations

AXYZ 2017-09-25 08:58 article  > All

Anima 2.5 pipeline explained by Michael McCarthy.

For two days each year, the d2 Vienna hosts one of the largest gatherings of architectural visualization artists in the world. Converging from 26 countries worldwide, attendees from visualization studios, architecture offices, advertising agencies, and software companies come together to share knowledge and meet new faces in the industry.

This year Michael McCarthy presented "Breathing life into Architectural Renderings and Animations", a collection of nice ideas and artwork done with the use of ANIMA 2 and AXYZ 3d Human characters.

Check out 3d Humans collections in Evermotion Shop.



Michael McCarthy, an accomplished 3D artist and trainer from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Michael’s skills in the 3D field are built on many years of fine arts training. Character animation and photo real rendering are among Michael’s passions. As an author and contributor to many 3D publications like 3D Artist, and 3D World Magazine as well as book titles including “Inside 3ds Max”, “Harnessing 3ds Max”, “Animation with Biped”, and “How to Cheat in 3ds Max”, Michael enjoys participating in the education and development of aspiring artists. ​Michael conducts training at Siggraph, EUE, studios such as Neoscape and Blur, and at a collegiate level. Michael currently serves as the head of animation at Northeastern University in Boston MA.

Author: AXYZ Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: axyz anima
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