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Making of Maldives Resort

Brick Visual 2016-01-26 11:43 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > modeling

Brick Visual shares tips about making of their sunny Maldives visualization.

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Click on image to enlarge


Final image. This was a typical situation in which we started the entire process with the biggest challenge of all: trying to pursue the client to go for an out-of-the-box idea (in this particular case, the underwater angle). In order to achieve this goal, we first had to create a functional, understandable, stunning and convincing draft with the smallest amount of work input. The total production time of the draft was 3 hours: 30 mins in 3dsMax and 2,5 hours in PS (including the research of references). Despite creating a highly detailed 3D model, we spent a huge amount of time in PS as well to matte-paint all the significant elements. For example we didn’t waste time to solve the underwater part in 3D as you can see in the below breakdown.


Click on image to enlarge 02_water_villa_view_933.jpg

Angle requested by the client.

Click on image to enlargesuggestion.jpg

Our suggestion for the concept, that was eventually accepted.

Click on image to enlarge 03_003_934.jpg

Overview of the scene. 


Click on image to enlarge03B_thumbnails_suggestion_935.jpg

Reference mood images to support the idea.



Click on image to enlarge 04_001_936.jpg

After the client’s approval of the suggested angle, we started the modeling and detailing work in 3dsMax. We made a quite complex model because it was used it to produce other images for this project as well.



Click on image to enlarge04b_wood_937.jpg

Wood material settings.



Click on image to enlarge 05_002_938.jpg

We used a single light source plus VRaySky to lit the scene. Settings above.



Click on image to enlarge 06_lighting_939.jpg

White render: for lighting up the scene we used only VraySun.


Click on image to enlarge 10_sun_943.jpg

VraySun settings.


Click on image to enlarge 08_camera_941.jpg

Camera settings.


Phases of post production: 


Click on image to enlarge 11_rgb_944_953.jpg

Rendering. RGB output.


Click on image to enlarge 12_20150714_watervilla_preview_945_951.jpg



Click on image to enlarge 13_white.Alpha_946.jpg

Rendering. Alpha channel.


Click on image to enlarge 14_white.VRayLighting_947.jpg

VRayLighting pass.


Click on image to enlarge 15_white.VRayReflection_948_954.jpg

VRayReflection pass.


Click on image to enlarge 16_white.VRayRefraction_949.jpg

VRayRefraction pass.


Click on image to enlarge 17_white.VRayWireColor_950.jpg

VRayWireColor pass.


Click on image to enlarge 01_final_932.jpg

Final image. The net production time of the image was two days. Thanks for reading! Please, visit Brick Visual Facebook fanpage for more cg visualizations! In case you have questions, feel free to ask them.


Author: Brick Visual Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: water brickvisual
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3denic 09:51:14  |  27-01-2016
Great tutorial as always
Archamza 06:25:27  |  31-01-2016
nice stuff., the only thing bothering me in the image is the people, the sun is hitting them from the opposite direction. but great image and tutorial
machdigital 12:04:27  |  24-03-2017
Great tuts. But can someone explain how to create photorealistic sand mat for VRay?