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Malena - making of

Grzegorz Radziewicz 2012-09-12 10:18 tutorial  > Making of  > misc

Malena making of by Grzegorz Radziewicz - nudity

Wacom tablet and photoshop only.

At the beginning I am doing a color palette which I will use. This will allow me to stick with the planned colors and keep the drawing in the intended climate or mood. I choose a palette to the effect I want to get. In this case it was about naturalness and sincerity, hence the delicate skin tone, soft light.

Then optionally I define a special brush if it is needed. I painted the body by a standard brush, for hair I did a special brush.

Then I make a sketch. I start drawing from the general contours and spot colors, without going into detail. I divide the work into stages, for each of them I am doing a new layer in photoshop on which I continue drawing.

Author: Grzegorz Radziewicz
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