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Making of The Mosque (Cordoba Spain)

Luis Tejeda 2010-05-24 09:27 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > modeling

Before I begin, I would like to thank Evermotion for publishing this "making of" my work.


The following are several modeled objects used in this scene along with their respective materials.

The arches are composed of a multi sub-object material of which I only show the concrete I used. The red concrete and borders have the exact same settings but with different textures.

The settings for the concrete are:
Hilight Glossiness 0.9
Refl. Glossiness 0.6
BRDF - Ward
Bump channel 5.0 units using a normal map of corrugated concrete texture

Front Arch, textured using the unwraping tecnique with the following settings:
Refl. Glossiness 0.79
BRDF - Ward
Bump channel 15.0 units using the same texture from the diffuse map.

This is the map along with the material I used for the arch, the settings are:
Refl. Glossiness 0.79
BRDF - Ward
Bump channel 15.0 units using the same texture from the diffuse map.

Capital, in which I used a displacement map, the settings are:
Refl. Glossiness 0.75
BRDF - Ward
Bump channel 55.0 units using the same texture from the diffuse map.
Applied a displacement map suing the same texture from the diffuse map but in black & white and high contrast.

One common uncertainty is when to use bump maps, a regular bump map, normal maps or displacement maps. In this case I wanted to show the column capital as if it was modeled in 3d so I decided to use displacement.

No big mistery for the floor, the settings are:
Refl. Glossiness 0.89
BRDF - Blinn

The displacement map was done with imperfect white lines for the grout. I erased them a little to make them look worn.

The colums have this map that you see in black & white inside the reflection channel with a value of 20.0 units, the other settings are:
Refl. Glossiness 0.79
BRDF - Blinn
No Bump



I didn't use any HDRI for the illumination of this scene. Basically, I have a vraysun light which enters from the roof with these settings:
  • Turbidity 3.0
  • Ozone 0.35
  • Intensity multiplier 8.0
  • Size multiplier 1.0

There is an aiding light at the roof (vray light plane), with an intensity of 2000 units, color (RGB 0,0,255), casting shadows, invisible, ignoring light normals and having checked affect diffuse, specular and reflections.

Two more lights on the sides of the scene with different intensities (1500 units on the right and 1000 units on the left). I think not having the same light intensity on both sides gives the scene more interest.

Lastly there's a frontal light behind the camera with 150 units offering little illumination to the scene but using it to be able to obtain a few reflection and reflaction passes at the end and thus giving the objects and the floor much more intensity in post production.

The final settings are simple, practically the ones by default when we turn on the GI.



For this particular image, these were the passes I made:
- Occlusion- Gives more life to your image defining corners and objects with bump maps and displacement.
- Render ID- Great help for post production. You can select individual objects to enhance levels, color balance, etc.
- Shadows- Gives you more control over the shadows in the scene. You can play around with different channels and opacities in Photoshop.
- Object ID- You are able to assign different IDs to separate objects. In this case I singled out the capitals.
- Reflection & Specular- You can normally use these channels in "Screen" mode in Photoshop to add realism to highlights.
- Z-depth- You can achieve depth of field in your images with this channel.


This is an animation of the Post Production done in Photoshop starting from the raw rendering until the final result.
Thank you and I hope you find some use in this mini tutorial.

Luis Tejeda (3dluis)

Author: Luis Tejeda
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WaseemOnLiNe 08:32:05  |  25-05-2010
mechagod 17:03:04  |  25-05-2010
damn!! astonishing work. Thank you for the detailed explanation and you've made some good points
Yungoklo 20:37:19  |  27-05-2010
Great work what is the setting for the vray camera?
motogp 15:28:54  |  28-05-2010
Stunning job you did there! :)
16:42:33  |  28-05-2010
Thanks for the comments! Yungoklo: the settings for the vray physical camera are the default ones. I just changed the custom color balance to a little bit yellow, the rest is the same.
eyad_mufti 14:01:57  |  02-06-2010
amazing work ... thx alot for sharing.
ortzak 15:07:32  |  07-06-2010
SIMPLY amazing dude..
hemts 21:21:57  |  11-06-2010
zeekay 22:49:12  |  21-07-2010
Please Remove the shoes of photographer bcoz in muslim law we did wear the shoes in the mosque. Over all your work is 5 Star nice
jaylun 18:03:45  |  16-09-2010
thank you!
nhanhp80 20:23:07  |  29-10-2010
it very good.Thanks you
lithningblue 16:20:16  |  07-11-2010
nice work ur skill very good to applying texture
baselmnal 10:49:57  |  25-11-2010
thank you
bongrodrigo 23:47:52  |  11-08-2011
lancerdoom 20:49:25  |  04-10-2011
very nice tutorial for material lovers, can you send me the scene file for study purpose please, [email protected]
wolfskin3000 01:37:56  |  02-11-2011
Nice Luis ;)
PACO MEDINA 22:05:41  |  06-12-2012
Soy Paco Lucena (Córdoba-Esaña) Mi paisano Luis tejada es MAQUINA...
almounir 02:29:03  |  27-08-2020
thanks.good job.you are the best