3D mouse are devices, that allows an intuitive navigation of the three-dimension models and work with both hands simultaneously. The typical interface for the keyboard and mouse 2D offers a navigation of universal applications, such as web browsers, email and others, in which the scroll is a key tool for easy navigation. The 3D CAD applications requires the possibility of rotation, move, zoom and zoom down 3D models at the same time. This condition of 6 degrees of freedom in movement is completely unavailable in the case of the mouse which uses only 2 degrees of freedom of movement. For example, the user is able to move the first model. Then he needs to change the mode to zoom, and then switch the mode for the rotation. For comparison, all three elements - move, rotate and zoom - can be achieved in one, smooth movement of the 3D mouse.
Technology Assessment Group (TAG) has conducted a survey among users of CAD. The study was intended to check whether users 3D mice recognize these factors in their work and whether the devices will contribute to the creation of high-quality projects, more efficient recognition of the errors and faster work. Corporate and academic studies shows the two main factors, which enables 3D mouse improve achievements of persons working with 3D applications: § 6 degrees of freedom of movement, which enable quick positioning of 3D objects and scenes § opportunity to work with both hands (such as 3D mouse in one hand and traditional 2D mouse in the other) The engineers of the CAD and companies, which adapted mouse in their 3D product design, finds out the unanimous increase in performance and productivity.
Main results: - over 84% of all engineers of CAD applications, stated noticeable or significant improvement in the design of models and the ability to faster recognition of the errors, during designing by using 3D mouse, - the average productivity increase, recorded by the user when working with CAD 3D mouse, is 21%, - turnaround time from the investment of the purchase of 3D mice is very short - less than a month. In general, almost all users (95%) says that 6 degrees of freedom of movement is "useful" or "very useful". This report was prepared in order to verify the declarations, which tells that 3D mouse can significantly increase the productivity of CAD engineers. Examination of the 190 active users of 3D mouse, proves that actually CAD engineers experiences visible, more than 20%, improvement of work through the use of 3D mouse for the 3D CAD applications. Basic tests of user’s interface confirm that the navigation with 6 degrees of freedom of movement and work with both hands simultaneously are the prominent factors leading to the improvement of their work. Finally, it has also been proved that the investment in the 3D mouse can turn very quickly - less than a month - which leads to the conclusion, that the purchase of 3D mouse is actually a smart investment.