First thing I did was I've taken the 3D Max render into PS, Duplicated the layer, changed the blending mode to Soft Light, then played around with the Hue-Saturation of both the layers.
I added a Diffuse Glow filter to the original layer to get a bit of a glow on the left side of the cage because I had sunlight effect in mind for this scene.
Here I added the ground and the windows. I adjusted the curves for this layer then duplicated it and again played around with the Hue-Saturation values of both the layers.
I changed the duplicate layer's blending mode to Hard Light then duplicated the layer with the same blending mode to emphasize the dramatic colors on the bricks.
I then added some bluriness to the right side of the image to fake DOF (depth of field).
I actually painted the sunlight effect in Photoshop and gave it some Bluriness to have a soft feel. The sunlight has 3 layers, two white and one orange.
The second and third layers are duplicates of the first layer but their blending modes where changed to soft light to suite the scene.
And here is the bird image that I found on the web and used. I cut out the bird from the image, adjusted curves, Hue-saturation and duplicated the layer.
The blending mode of the duplicate layer was changed to Overlay to emphasize the dark colors of the bird.
The selected bird had parts of it cut out to fit into my scene. I did that by bringing the selected bird into my scene over my image, reduced it's opacity, and made cut outs where needed, like behind cage bars, door etc....