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Dodge Challenger

Denis Syplenko 2007-12-24 00:00 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > misc


In this project the modeling part was not so important to me like the rendering and post work was.
So modeling its pretty traditional and simple, I've used 3D Max and poly modeling method...and some of my style tips.
First of all I've made a basic shape with 1 iterration of smooth, then some details, ligts, handles,etc. At the end I've made one more iterration of smooth, and finally lead up body shape, make wheels and other stuff.
When modeling it is very important to pay attention to details because those details add realism to you final render.
Next thing to do are materials, envivorment, lights setup and scene render settings, all this is pretty simple.
Some materials like plastic , chrome, rower, metallic etc. are simple , but I have here 2 more complicated materials, it was carpaint and tone glass.But after many experiments I have satisfy results).
some textures I've used
For studio renders I've used many photos as reference for lighting setup. In this case there are 4 spherical vrayligts and 3 soft box.
Below you can see the positioning of the lights.
The scene was rendered using Vray plugin, I've useed Light Cache and Irradiance Map for GI. Render settings are very simple.

So, after all this manipulation we have some renders which need post production. And here I have used Photoshop or After Effects and do some correction work. It's levels, sharpen, saturation, collor corection first of all, color its very important part of work, some local retouch, dof, glare, noise , and some my personal tips and tricks.

Now I will tell you a little about envivorment render.
I make simple composition, car on background some urban structures.I've modeled ground and some tube etc.
I've made textures for beton blocks and tube itself, in higt resolution (original size big one 5000 x 700).
In this case for rendering I've used Maxwell Render.
As a result I have this picture and alfa channel.
And now some process of post work in pictures


Author: Denis Syplenko
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Narkotik 21:12:59  |  22-06-2009
in this page have Arror
Mariana2806 23:13:21  |  03-12-2010
Very little that is clear, as is adjusted, as light. Please lay out studio that people could look at independently all options and materials... From this lesson there is not enough advantage for beginners. Thanks!