Here my inspiration was a house on Tara mountain, on this image you can see a reconstruction of old house from willage in Serbia.
I have created plane (Terrain), converted to editable poly and move some vertex up to make a little hills. After That I've created line above the Terrain go to compound objects, shape merge/ pick shape and select line in viewport (with this step I've created different type of Terrain) Inside Will be a ground (dirt) and outside will be grass. Next I've converted terrain to editable polygon, selected inside polygons on sub object level and bevel them a little bit.
I have puted some grass material on that polygons, then UVW Map from Modify List select box map and collapse all. After that I've puted Hair&Fur from Modify menu and set a parameters like on picture.
Now lets put some plants on the terrain. Little yellow flower is scattered on grass terrain.
Others plants I have placed on interesting places according with color and shape.
Bushes are Just a Planes with Difuse and Opacity maps
The lodge is modeled from a geometry parts with different materials.
I've assigned different materials on planks or play with UVW Map on some of them.
I have also put some choper trees under the lodge.
Now lets put some plants on the terrain. Little yellow flower is scattered on grass terrain.
Others plants I have placed on interesting places according with color and shape.
Those objects are modeled with editable poly tool. Textures are little corrected or dirt painted in Photoshop.
There are more materials in scene...
I've used vRay Sun and jpg map for vRay environmet override (blured one on vRay render settings), and reflection/refraction override. On this image you can see planes with Opacity map that are faking tree shadows.
Here are my render settings for this scene. Yo can also se curve color correction from Virtual Frame Buffer window.