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Photoshop: Making of Joker part 4

mime 2005-02-01 00:00 tutorial  > Photoshop  > digital paiting

PROJECT "JOKER" part 4 of 4

Last time we did the falts, now's time to render image.

Started fom head -most important part of my image. I decided to two points light to get some colors on Joker's face. Wanted make whole little more spooky. All job here done with simple brush at lo opacity.
Same thing with the rest. subtle shadows on jacket and chair. You can appreciate now the fact, we put every part on differend layer with mask -we can freely add colour to one part without changing the other.

We can also simply add texture or pattern on some parts of image.

Dodge tool is useful to let some light in. But you better be careful becouse it's easy to overdose. Personally I don't like comics with overbrighted colors. I lighted up background a bit. I used also "drop shadow" layer effect for "ha-ha" outline.

And this is the final result. Added some detail here and there and put some blue on the shirt.

Well, that's it. Hope that will inspire you to try new techniques and make something different than usual. Cheers!

Best Regards,
Damian 'Mime' Bajowski
Author: mime
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