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Photoshop: Making of Joker part 3

mime 2004-12-07 00:00 tutorial  > Photoshop  > digital paiting

PROJECT "JOKER" part 3 of 4

Last time we covered pencils with ink, now's time to do the flats. Most important thing is to keep layer with inked drawing on the top and change it's blending from "normal" to "multiply". That will keep black always visible so you dont have to think about it anymore.

I'ts good idea to use magic wand tool to select white areas between outlines. Be sure you checked "contiguous" to avoid selecting whole white part. When selected extend selection to be sure there wont be white border next to ink (becouse of antyaliasing).

1 px will be enough..

And here's what you should get. Notice that ink is also a little bit selected, as we wanted. Now fill selection with solid color on new layer. It's good to keep fills on separate layers becouse you can easily change just that part what you need and nothing else.

Also you can fit color of each part later using hue/saturation sliders (edit/adjustments/hue/saturation) to keep the whole in wanted color scheme.

When we finish coloring process we should add layer mask for each fill. It's very easy when you got everything nice parted to appropriate layers. Just hold down ctrl key and click on wanted layer to select everything it contains.

When selected, just click "add layer mask" button and done. You need repet that for each layer -it'll be very helpful in later time when we'll be editing each fill to render the whole image.

This are my layers for this one -all masked and nicley named so I wont need to think what is where.

And this is final result. Flats're done. See you in next part...

Ok, hope it's good enough for doing the flats. See you in next part...

Best Regards,
Damian 'Mime' Bajowski

Author: mime
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