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Modeling - Basic armchair

Kuciel 2004-05-13 00:00 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > modeling

Many people have very good ideas and vision about interior design, but they dont know how they can create some kind of furniture. I would like to show u how you can easy create arm-chair.

This arm-chair is only base, you can modify it in many ways.

step1 - creating box
In first step we should create a simpe box 90x80x10, and change it into Editable Poly.

step 2 - Extrude selected polygons
Extrusion type - Group
Extrusion Height - 15

step 3 - Slice arm-chair
Select face like in picture -> left click on viewport -> select quickslice

step 4 - Slice
Slice selected face.

step 5 - Extrude selected polygons
Select 3 polygons and extrude it.
Extrusion type : Group
Extrusion Height : 50

step 6 - Move selected vertices
Move 6 vertices like in picture.

step 7 - Slice arm-chair
Slice arm-chair

step 8 - select vertices and scale
mark 4 vertices and use uniform scale by by X axle.

step 9 - Bevel selected polygons
Select 2 polygons like in picture and bevel it.
Bevel type : Group
Bevel Height : 0,0
Outline Amount : -0,3

step 10 - Extrude selected polygons
Select beveled polygons and extrude it.
Extrusion type : Group
Extrusion Height : -0,2

step 11 - Bevel selected polygons
Bevel polygons.
Bevel type : Group
Bevel Height : 0,0
Outline Amount : -0,4

step 12 - Extrude selected polygons
Select polygons and extrude it.
Extrusion type : Group
Extrusion Height : 2,2

step 13 - Slice arm-chair
Slice arm-chair like in picture.

step 14 - Slice arm-chair again.
Slice arm-chair like in picture.

step 15 - create box
Create box 80x80x20 inside arm-chair, and change it into Editable Poly.

step 16 - Select polygon and extrude.
Select polygon and extrude it.
Extrusion type : Group
Extrusion Height : 4

step 17 - Select one polygon and extrude.
Select polygon and extrude it.
Extrusion type : Group
Extrusion Height : 10

step 18 - Slice polygon twice.
Slice polygon twice, like in picture.

step 19 - Select, bevel and extrude.
Select polygon, bevel and extrude like in picture.
Extrusion type : Group
Extrusion Height : -0,5

step 20 - Slice polygon again.
Slice polygon twice, like in picture.

step 21 - slice again.
Slice polygon twice again.

step 22 - select vertices and move.
select vertices like in picture and move it down.

step 23 - select vertices and move.
select vertices like in picture and move it.

step 24 - select vertices and move.
select vertices like in picture and move it.

step 25 - Bevel selected polygons
Bevel polygons.
Bevel type : Group
Bevel Height : 0,1
Outline Amount : -0,9

step 26 - Select polygon and extrude.
Select polygon and extrude it inside.

step 27 - creating box
create a simpe box 80x80x10, and change it into Editable Poly.

step 28 - slice box
slice box like in picture.

step 29 - creating box
create another box 15x50x80, and change it into Editable Poly, rotate and move like in picture.

step 30 - select vertices and move.
select vertices and move it by X axle.

step 31 - slice box.
slice box.

step 32 - slice box.
slice box again.

step 33 - select vertices and move.
select vertices and move it by Y axle.

step 34 - Use Nurms
Select Use NURMS Subdivision for all object.
Render Iterations 3,0

step 35 - Create plane.
create plane 1700x1700.

step 36 - Create first material (V-ray)
Create V-ray material (VRayMtl):
Diffuse color - R 30 , G 30 , B 30
Reflect color - R 40 , G 40 , B 40
Glossines 0,6
*In BRDF menu select Blinn
Put material on all object.

step 37 - Second material
Diffuse material (wood material, standard Max material Burloak.jpg)
Reflect color - R 60 , G 60 , B 60
Glossines 0,6

step 38 - Environment map
Create VRayMtl + diffuse map use VRayHDRI
I use free Kitchen_cross.hdr
Map type - Spherical environment

step 39 - Add to environment
Open Environment and Effects menu by press 8.
select Use map
Environment Map select Kitchen_cross.hdr (select Instance)

step 40 - Add second material
select polygon like in picture and add Wood material
add UVW Mapping modifier and select Box Mapping.

step 41 - Add second material
select polygon like in picture and add Wood material
add UVW Mapping modifier and select Box Mapping.

step 42 - Plane material (white material)
Create V-ray material (VRayMtl):
Diffuse material - R 255 , G 255 , B 255

step 43 - Renderer settings (V-ray)
*Image sampler (AA) - Adaptive subdivision
*Indirect Illumination (GI):
first bouce - irradiance map (irradiance map prestets - Low)
secondary bounces - Direct computation
*Global switches
disable - default light

step 44 - Render scene
select perspective View and click render (F9 button)

step 45 - The End
Author: Kuciel
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