Hi. I am Yones Bana, I am working as an Arch-Viz tutor and co-Founder of Vivid Visual Studio. This is El Corte House. A modern and beautiful villa in Argentina.
I found many references from this villa so that I can better understand the architectural space.
I also got help from documents and drawings to start modeling
Here you can find more informations about this project.
The first step is to prepare the scenes and plans and adjust the scale correctly
Walls were created from a plane and edit poly techniques and finally, a shell modifier.
I went into the details of the scene models, you see some of them below.
To build the site, I first took a look at the site on Google Earth.
Then I got the information of the height map of the area from the terrain party website.
From the map, the initial volume of the area was created with displacing. Then, with Vol. select modifier, the floor of the villa was smoothed on the grounds and add some more details with Paint deformation and softselection.
Lower the border of the landscape so that in the next step we can get closed sections from it
I used the contours script to have many sections of the landscape. Then I optimized all the lines with a Normalize Spline modifier.
Now add height to it with an extruded modifier and increase the details of the edges with a little chamfer.
This is the final details of the scene model
I love Vray and all the rendering steps are done in this plugin. I used the Vray5 material libraries for the main material of the scene and with a slight change, I got the desired result.
The lighting phase is one of the most important but simple stages in Vray 5. Put enough light in the desired area. The rest of the work will be done in Vray5 LightMix.
These are the positions of the cameras. The important thing is to use high values for the lens to bring more sense of scale model and lead to better focus.
I used the Vray GPU engine and you can see only the settings that have been done. I also used the LightMix render element to control the lights after rendering.
Continuation is done in the frame buffer. Attractive features of Vray5 in the frame buffer and if you have not experienced, I definitely recommend using it. In the Lightmix, FilmicToneMapping and Lookup section, I did the most effects on the color grading and curves.
I hope that you were interested and this tutorial will help you with your projects.