This is a scene 9 from Archinteriors vol. 54 - the collection of modern home interiors. The scene was modeled in 3ds max, rendered in V-Ray and textured with Substance tools. The scene is lit by V-Ray Sun and sky and adds a bit of other light sources - outside city plane, interior decorative and functional lights.
The final render after post-production.
The final render after post-production - camera 2.
The plane outside the building - a common way to picture cityscape without modeling the whole city.
Plane material settings.
Plane material settings, part 2.
Building is not a complicated shape - simple cubical shape with a few extrusions, divided into separate meshes.
Roof material.
Top view and camera settings.
Camera 2 settings.
Top view - textured
Wall mesh
Wall mesh - close up
Wall mesh - UVs
Chair mesh
Chair - isolated
Chair material
Chair UVs
Floor mesh
Floor mesh - close up
Floor mesh - UVs
Floor material
VraySun settings
VraySky settings
a rectangel VrayLight portal is placed in the big opening.
Small VRay portal in the small opening
VrayLight under the kitchen shelves
Another set of Vray Lights in the wine shelf.
Render settings
Thank you for your time! Happy rendering!